Distribute as much as possible by bicycle in towns or cities, whether home-cooked food, packages or magazines. Where there is, for example, they also distribute LIGHT. In Euskal Herria it started in Vitoria with the Eramen cooperative in 2020, a week before the start of the pandemic. There are already 20 people working on it. In Pamplona four people work in the Ziclo-p cooperative and there are also people like Irún, Errenteria, Getxo or Baiona. In Bilbao, one of these cooperatives also started, but he was unable to continue.
The cooperative CoopCycle, founded in the French State, has spread throughout various parts of the world such as Europe, Canada, Chile or Mexico. The French state has 34 cooperatives. These include the Cycle Coop cooperative federation, which through an open platform of software share services such as accounting, logistics or marketing.
They are particularly pleased with the experience of Baiona, La Cours, which has made the limited company cooperative, and among them they have created Cycle Coop Euskal Herria. The level of exploitation of workers in the field of food distribution is well known, Glovo of the best known and has been punished in many countries. Many workers from the companies that have been created in Euskal Herria come from that world, but they are at the other end in terms of the philosophy of work: people-centered, they operate in the social economy, combining division and sustainability, or relying on the fully democratic management of their companies.
The establishment of alliances with people who share the same philosophy of work in other areas is another of its objectives and have already taken the first step in Pamplona. Since May, Ziclo-P and Ondalan have reached an agreement to distribute organic food cooked by the latter.
Support for the Pyrenees Strategy
The energy transition is causing an increasing dispersion of sustainable distribution, including cycling. The Cycle Coop Euskal Herria federation has received the impetus of the Pirenaica Strategy action plan promoted by the CTP (Pyrenees Working Association), which, as we have been informed, are of great importance to them and them.
Paul Iano is one of the founders of the Port of Vitoria and is pleased with the creation of the federation. He was a Glovo worker and the ARGIA reader may be known for his numerous reports of denunciation of his work in Glovo. It considers this to be an important moment and considers that this financial aid is essential. “All the beginnings are difficult and we have already learned what we have to do and what we do not. To move forward, it is very important to have an intensive team that works with a lot of motivation. We are small, but working in the federation we can take forward a number of services that we could not otherwise do. The first two years are hard and, of course, that financial momentum can be key to moving forward.”
Gure lurraldeetan eta bizitzetan sortzen diren behar, desio eta ekimenen inguruan gero eta gehiago entzuten dugu harreman eta proiektu publiko-komunitarioak landu beharraz, eta pozgarria da benetan, merkaturik gabeko gizarte antolaketarako ezinbesteko eredua baita. Baina... [+]
I write these lines the day after the elections to the European Parliament, the dark times, the triumph of the Reactionary International in the elections to the European Parliament. It was already in advance and it is the confirmation of the conservative phase we live in, but it... [+]
One of the major projects developed by Olatukoop with other actors is KoopFabrika, a programme created in 2017 with the aim of boosting social entrepreneurship and which is currently underway.
Initially, the first idea was that the cooperatives and agents that gathered around... [+]
Bizitegi molde kooperatiboak zabalduz doaz Ipar Euskal Herrian. Euskal Hirigune Elkargoko azken biltzar nagusian Nicole Etxamendi, Itsasuko hautetsiak "Bizi lagun" kooperatibak kontutan hartu behar zirela eta alternatiba ona direla azpimarratu zuen.
When I am asked about cooperativism and the transformative economy through the cooperative Talaios and Olatukoop, I say that it has been an opportunity to begin the path to emancipation through work and collective action. And on that road it has been very important to work on... [+]
At the beginning of July we learned that the pastries and sweets factory De Paula will be closed in our town, which is essential for many workers’ houses. They say that pastry shops and, of course, retired workers have every right to rest, but we are going to lose an important... [+]
We insist that we are no longer a partnership or a collective. We went, yeah. We didn't have a collective way of being activist transmaribibollos (no, we're not very supportive of individual activism). We leverage the partnership to bill.
But in 2020, we went from being... [+]