Although the data is still provisional, Claudia Sheinbaum will be the president of Mexico. Morena, a candidate for the National Regeneration Movement, obtained between 58.3% and 60.7% of the votes. She will therefore be the first president of Mexico. The candidate emphasises that he has not only become president, but has gone down the road with many women.
Data are provisional. They count the votes of 5,651 voters, which is 95%. As of 5 June, the final data are known. Xóchitl Gálvez, candidate of National Action, obtained between 26.6% and 28.6% of the votes, while Jorge Álvarez Martínez, candidate of the Citizen Movement, obtained between 9.9% and 10.8%.
On the path of "transformation"
Sheinbaum wants to continue with the policies of the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which is "social justice", "welfare" and "transformation". To this end, some of the measures announced by this legislature are the increase in the minimum wage, the creation of scholarships for women over 60 years of age, investment in innovative energy or the renovation of roads. "We will respect political, cultural, religious and social pluralism, gender diversity and sexual pluralism. We will continue to fight any oppression to continue building a fairer, more democratic and more sovereign country," said Sheinbaum.
Oinarrizko maia komunitateko U Yich Lu’um [Lurraren fruitu] organizazioko kide da, eta hizkuntza biziberritzea helburu duen Yúnyum erakundekoa. Bestalde, antropologoa da, hezkuntza prozesuen bideratzaile, eta emakumearen eskubideen aldeko aktibista eta militante... [+]
Mexikoko bi emakume hauen bizitzak indarkeriak eta desplazamenduak zeharkatzen ditu. Haien familiako edo komunitateko kideak hiltzen ikusi dituzte, eta krimen antolatuak zabaltzen duen terrorea azalean sentitu dute; mehatxuak, jazarpena... ohiko dituzte. Baina horrek guztiak... [+]
It was impossible to guess who was or who was the motto I read, but who was!
Ángel González Olvera was known in Mexico 11 years ago when the bertsolaris invited us to a few days with their improvisers. He lived on a high hill, feeding on birds, pigeons, pigeons, hedgehogs,... [+]
Born 2 October 1968. A few months earlier, the student movement started on June 22 organized a rally in the Plaza de las Tres Cultura, in the Nonoalco-Tlatelolco unit of the city. The students gathered by the Mexican army and the paramilitary group Olympia Battalion were... [+]
In the desert of Coahuila (Mexico), in the dunes of Bilbao, remains of a human skeleton have been found. After being studied by archaeologists, they conclude that they are between 95 and 1250 years old and that they are related to the culture of Candelaria.
The finding has been... [+]