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Citizens hold a meeting to show their support for the Civil Guard in Alsasua

  • As announced, the Citizens party has been to Altsasu/Alsasua, Ospa this Friday, to be held tomorrow. support for the local Civil Guard on a daily basis.

02 September 2022 - 17:51
Argazkia: Ciudadanosek Altsasun egindako bilkura. Argazkia: Nerea Mazkiaran / Guaixe
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The initiative has had a great stir, especially before it happens, as there has been no problem in Altsasu’s return to the meeting. Along with Inés Arrimadas, leader of Citizens, have been Carlos Perez-Niovo, Navarro leader, or the philosopher Fernando Savater, among others. Representatives of victim associations and members of Vox have also participated, as reported by Guaixe.

After the famous Altsasu/Alsasua lawsuit, every year several parties and organizations from Spain are making use of their support to the Civil Guard of Alsasua and Ospa! to criminalize the day and the young people of the people. Many of them take advantage of the event to start the political course.

In the Spanish Congress the PP has resisted Ospa! against the day and calls on the Ministry of the Interior to take measures to prevent the event. The President of the Spanish Delegation of Navarre, José Luis Aristi, responded by showing his disagreement with the act, but points out that current legislation cannot be prohibited.

Reflection, demonstration and concerts

Altsasun Ospa will be held on Saturday 3 September! day. In an event that has been organized for some time in the village, they ask that the Spanish security forces leave the village. There will be several acts and the most significant will be the demonstration: At 18:00 he will leave Lortia Square without Police. Stop repression of workers at the head. At noon, in the Lortia Hall there will be talk about the police model, followed by a meal in the same place. At 22:00 there will be concerts with the Habemus Papam and Katarsia groups.

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