The agreements between Citizens and Vox in the Spanish State are increasingly numerous and comprehensive. The agreements between the two Spanish parties to form governments of municipalities and forals could call into question the political cooperation between the parties of Emmanuel Macron and Albert Rivera. The Elysées starts to worry.
Those responsible for the French presidency are beginning to worry about: “The platform between Citizens and the extreme right can hardly facilitate a renewed centrist group in the European Union,” sources from the Elysées have pointed out.
Citizens and Vox are questioning the accession of Spaniards to the European Union. Here are some notes from the ambassadors of France:
– The reform in euros: We cannot reject what is happening within the Spanish State, take it as an anecdote and go unnoticed. It is precisely when the euro is going through a critical moment in the Union.
– Ideological coherence: if harmony and coherence between all parts of the centre are not maintained, the cohesion of the centre is broken.
– The European Affairs Minister, Amélie de Montchalin, states: “The alliance with the extreme right is not an option.”
Likewise, the alliances between center-right and far-right Spaniards can put an end to the good relations between Emmanuel Macron and Pedro Sánchez. Sanchez made his commitment to Europe during the election campaign. Macron and Sánchez share the guidelines on European sovereignty and economic efficiency.
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