The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has just uncovered documents from the CIA, in which the dirty war of the 1980s was investigated. One of these newly declassified documents is the Basque Terrorism and Government Response Report of November 1984, which can be read here.
The newspaper La Razón reports the existence of another document declassified by the cia. It is a report of January 1984 which reads: "The Spanish Government has decided to use an unorthodox strategy with regard to ETA," said the chief executive. Follow a censored sentence: "Gonzalez has agreed to the formation of a group of mercenaries, controlled by the Army, to fight terrorists illegally," he added. After another censored phrase, the report points out that "mercenaries do not have to be Spanish and that their mission is to murder ETA leaders in Spain and France. The GAL is an organisation similar to the squads which the government has taken into account and which has actually emerged in southern France. The GAL has murdered two well-known ETA-M activists in southern France and kidnapped a Spanish businessman in Hendaia, because they believe that he collaborated with terrorists."
Javier Chicote eta Juan Fernández-Miranda kazetariek El jefe de los espías (Espioien burua) liburua argitaratu berri dute. ABC espainiar egunkariko kazetariak dira biak, lehena ikerketa taldekoa eta bigarrena ABCko zuzendariaren albokoa. Hamalau urtez Espainiako... [+]