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The Charlie Hebdo Attack Trial Begins

  • After five years of investigation, the Paris Court of Justice will judge fourteen people who allegedly collaborated in the assault on the young woman. In the meantime, the debate on freedom of expression in the French State has revived in the last few hours.

03 September 2020 - 12:34
Parisko kaleak 2015eko erasoan. Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

The trial for the jihadist attack on the Weekly Charlie Hebdo began this Wednesday in Paris, according to the French news agency The 2015 attack has been one of the most punishable acts of recent years in the French State and, in remembering those days, the issue of freedom of expression has come to public debate.

A total of seventeen people were killed, and the Paris Court of Justice will try fourteen alleged accomplices to a crime in which they were accused of indirect participation.


Brothers Cherif and Saïd Kouachi attacked the writing of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on 7 January 2015. In just two minutes, twelve people, including the magazine director and several cartoonists, were shot on the ground. He was attacked by a cartoon of Mohammed by the magazine. After the shooting, they both fled Paris. They were found about 90 kilometers from the city and were killed two days later by the police, which eliminated any possibility of investigating the orders of the rebels.

But the attacks had not stopped there. On 8 and 9 January, Amedy Coulibay, an accomplice of the Kouachi brothers, collected their testimony. The jihadist murdered a Municipal Police officer in Monrouge in southern Paris. In addition, he killed four people in a Jewish supermarket of Jewish products. In this case too, the police killed Coulibay, as did his brother Kouachi.

The trial

The French Justice will judge the alleged accomplices, who are accused of having cooperated in the organisation of attacks. Of the 14 defendants, only eleven will sit on the bench: the other three are missing and the international arrest warrant has been in force since March 2018. They are charged with crimes of complicity in attacks at different levels and involvement in a criminal terrorist organization. The possible penalties are between ten and twenty years ' imprisonment or life imprisonment.

The trial began this Wednesday and will continue until 10 November, with strict health and safety measures during the trial. The Paris Court of Justice will host 144 witnesses, including the survivors and relatives of the victims, who have been found alive. In addition, 94 lawyers, 90 accredited media and 200 political parties have been brought forward as a private indictment.


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