The Stop Evictions association has brought Catella-Vitalquiler and the Basque Government to the Ararteko for evicting on 9 April the social protection housing of Chaymae and his three children. The association has recalled that the family was evicted by a debt of 767 euros, without taking into account the vulnerability of the claimants and the inability to access another housing, as provided by law.
“The 500 official housing managed by Catella-Vitalquiler under a protected rental regime are social,” they explained, “the social function of these homes is not fulfilled and the general interest is violated when a weak family is evicted by a debt of 767 euros, or the rent charged, plus the Real Estate Tax and community expenses, which represents 60 percent of family income.”
It has also denounced that “this social function is not fulfilled when it is forced to enter into contracts with abusive clauses, such as the requirement of a bond of more than 4,000 euros, the establishment of a default interest of 10 per cent, the early renunciation of the right to extend the contracts provided for in the law or the penalty of double the rent for each day of delay in the delivery of keys”.
In his words, “the Basque Government, the Department of Housing and Justice, ‘in monitoring’ is guilty, because its responsibility is the inspection of compliance with the law.” In this case, they have considered that the non-compliance with the cooperation agreement between the Government, the General Council of the Judiciary and EUDEL “has not been detected vulnerability before eviction, nor has the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which obliges us not to leave the dwelling previously” been contemplated.
Finally, the complaint about the eviction of Chaymae and his three younger children has also been lodged in the Decanato of the Courts of Vitoria. Also to the Justice Department, to ask him about the EUR 4,000 bond paid by the family in the latter case.
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