The campaign, which was born in 2005 against Israel’s destructive policies and in defense of Palestinian rights, has called for a demonstration against Carrefour in the South Basque Country: Pamplona, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Oiartzun, Bilbao and Erandio. The initiative will take place at 12:00 a.m. on 15 February.
The BDS opposes the "structures of enterprise and power" that guarantee "the genocide and occupation of the Palestinians"; among them Carrefour. In fact, on March 8, 2022, Carrefour announced a franchise partnership with Electra Consumer Products and its retail subsidiary Yenot Bitan. Both are part of the illegal colony projects carried out by the Zionist entity, the campaign has denounced. Carrefour has also authorized Electra Consumer to produce some of its branded products in Israel and to market them under the Carrefour brand; and has supplied the soldiers with personal packages.
"Carrefour's position perpetuates apartheid, occupation and genocide," says the association, which also makes "the support of both public institutions and private companies" central in the case of the spoliation of Palestine.
In addition to calling for a demonstration, the BDS has called for a boycott of Carrefour if it fails to meet the following points:
Repeal its franchise agreement with Israel’s Electra Consumer Product; and refrain from selling products produced in Israel’s illegal colonies in Palestine.
The world has also done so, because it is a symbol, because in history more genocides have already been done and will be done (bad luck, hear, it has touched you to be born there), but Palestine has special characteristics:
Palestinarekin Elkartasunak "sionistekin harreman oro etetera" deitu du. Kanpaina bat jarri dute abian Euskal Herriak Israelgo estatu terroristaren bizirautea bermatzen duten harreman militar, diplomatiko eta kulturalak seinalatu eta hauen etetea exijitzeko. Pasa den... [+]
It has been a year since the Palestinian resistance lifted its head and began the most brutal offensive Israel has committed to date. Unfortunately, the situation has worsened, as Israel has increased its offensive beyond the Palestinian lands, with new attacks on Lebanon,... [+]