Carrefour has taken the decision following the pressure of the Palestinian BDS movement and a large-scale boycott campaign in Gaza. In fact, the campaign has caused him enormous financial losses, which have damaged the reputation of the company.
Majid Al Futtaim Group, the main partner of Carrefour in most Arab regions, has taken the decision to completely cut off its trade relations with Carrefour in Jordan. According to the Group’s semi-annual report of 2024, the profits of the retail sector fell by almost half, 47%, due to the decline in consumer confidence as a result of the geopolitical conflict in the region.
The Palestinian movement began its campaign in 2022 with the aim of putting an end to all relations between Carrefour and the Israeli regime. Since Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and began the genocidal war against 2.3 million Palestinians, the call for a boycott of Carrefour has intensified. The BDS has denounced that the branches of the French company have protected the crime of genocide in France.
The BDS criticises the fact that it has given free gifts to the Israeli armed forces and that it has also launched a donation campaign for "the brave" Israeli soldiers. He also stressed that Carrefour has agreements with the Government of Israel and contacts with Israeli technology and banking companies acting against Palestine.
In recent years, Carrefour has had to close several branches in Jordan and has taken the decision to end all the operations it now has in the country. BDS activists have also highlighted the closure of Carrefour’s stores in other countries in the province of Saudi Arabia. As you have explained, this confirms the influence of the extensive boicots campaign that is taking place.
BDS calls for boycotting all the stores that carry the Carrefour brand or sell their products. Until Majid Al Futtaim Group announces the complete cessation of its relationship with the French group in all the Arab countries, the French Executive has reported.
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