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Osakidetza subcontract denounces the “painful” working conditions of Care4chronics

  • Care4chronics is responsible for home care for patients with chronic pathologies and emergencies in the Spanish state. For 10 years they have been working as subcontractors for Osakidetza. And most workers are foreigners. Doctors denounce that they are “precarious working conditions” and that they violate their fundamental rights.

20 July 2023 - 07:30
Last updated: 15:01

Care4chronics workers have denounced the painful working conditions and the violation of fundamental rights of the Osakidetza subcontract. There are workers who have been in the company for ten years and others who have started.

According to information provided to ARGIA by a Care4chronics worker, who prefers to retain their identity, most workers are foreigners, as doctors born in the Basque Country know the "precarious working conditions" and the "violations of labour rights" of the company often do not accept jobs. He says that when hiring them they offer good working conditions, but they realize what happens when they start working.

Although the company Care4chronics makes different types of contracts, the worker explains that the most common is one: Annual day of 1,720 hours, including nights, weekends and holidays. It says that they charge EUR 40,000 gross, EUR 5,000 for mobility. It denounces the inability to meet the costs, as this amount includes all the costs of home travel, overnight accommodation and all necessary meals.

He also stressed the lack of guidelines for working as effectively as possible: "Although we know we are from the outside, they don't show us the geographical scope, nor how we can travel from one side to the other." It also denounces that they are not trained on the resources and tools they use. In addition, there is a lack of instructions for serious incidents such as accidents at work.

He also denounces harassment: "We know that they are collecting information about those of us who participate in the unions and are subsequently expelled from the company. That is why we believe that the right to trade unions is being violated as a fundamental right.”

Responsible for the situation

“Care4chronics and Osakidetza are the most responsible for the situation, one forces us to sign disproportionate contracts and the other does not certify the working conditions in which subcontracted workers work,” he explains.

So what?

He says that they have tried to organise themselves to deal with the situation, and above all to ask Care4chronics and the Basque Government. However, he has denounced “de-importance” and “disregard”.

It makes proposals to improve conditions: “We believe that it should take a look at working conditions and put aside illegal measures: payments not adjusted to the law, situations of household habitability, right to vacation, schedule disorder, support from nurses...”

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