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The fascist hymn 'Cara al Sol' and the cries against Euskal Herria sing at the Tudela festivities

  • On the first day of the Tudela festivities, on July 25, some neighbors performed their songs at the exit of the bullring. “The Franco regime is exalted and normalized,” said Edurne Egino, of the Navarre With You coalition. The left-wing coalition complained about the silence of the mayor of Tudela, Alejandro Toquero, of UPN.

29 July 2024 - 11:06
Last updated: 2024-07-30 09:58:09

Several neighbors left the bullring of Tudela singing Cara al Sol and yelling “almost slut Euskal Herria”, “for them” and “slut Pamplona, Capital”. The video, which has spread rapidly through social networks, has generated great controversy among the attendees.

Edurne Egino, member of the City of Pamplona, made statements in Euskalerria Irratia: “In addition to normalizing Franco, they also raise it,” he said. The mayor of Tudela, Alejandro Toquero, has criticized the mayor of Tudela for maintaining silence about the fact that the exit of the bullring in Tudela has taken place.

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