Patrick Leahy could remind the oldest senators that nobody could remember. N. The same pelosis was going to be too incipient for Nguyen to have a clear reflection of Cao Ky. In his goodbye political "will" that Leahy just published, of course, does not mention that (nothing else about Vietnam), but when he came to the Senate in 1975, Cao Ky was still in Saigon, at least without command. Four months later he fled, together with the U.S. ambassador, to those memorable helicopters of Operation Frequent Wind... At age 25, Vietnam returns to the enemy to say what was not nonsense.
For as I heard Volodymyr Zelensky speaking in the Capitol of the People EE.UU, for a somewhat fragile union of ideas, Cao Ky came to mind, the second in the South Vietnam regime, but always wanting to be the first. At the cost of welcoming Ukrainian by Bide, etc., Tucker Carlson was a long way from the turmoil and anger of Fox News, but perhaps the same deliberations.
Along with many differences, between Cao Ky and Zelensky you can find certain affinities in sight, some of small (such as age) and other less insignificant (such as the desire to always be in the media with pure uniforms). But my partnership came from elsewhere.
"If you give me all the weapons I ask for and give me all the money I need, you are calm, we will win the war. That war that for you is as important as for me, I will win you, yes. People, I have it on demand, I need your resources." Where did I hear something like that long ago? Well, yes. Cao Ky. During much of the 1960s, the perpetual canamatrica that the victimizing marshal was supposed to be before the age of 40. Silk scarf always on the neck.
Cao Ky was calling for planes to reduce North Vietnam. For reasons not easy to detect, the United States did not meet the demands of Cao Ky and preferred to rethink Vietnam, North and South, with its planes, boats and bases. However, they lost the war. Both Cao Ky and the US.
Almost sixty years later, Zelensky seeks missiles. Take down the Russians and bomb Russia. Accessories seem to be needed to bring the uniforms properly. History will not be repeated, but in the hardest drama there is always some comedy.
“Bi pertsona mota daude munduan: euskaldunak, batetik, eta euskaldunak izan nahiko luketenak, bestetik”. Gaztea zela, Mary Kim Laragan-Urangak maiz entzuten omen zuen horrelako zerbait, Idahon (AEBak), hain zuzen. Ameriketan jaio, hazi, hezi eta bizi izandakoak 70... [+]
AEB, 1900eko azaroaren 6a. William McKinley (1843-1901) bigarrenez aukeratu zuten AEBetako presidente. Berriki, Donald Trump ere bigarrenez presidente aukeratu ondoren, McKinleyrekiko miresmen garbia agertu du.
Horregatik, AEBetako mendirik altuenari ofizialki berriro... [+]
Trump/Vance eta Zelenskyren arteko sesio gogoangarriak, Europan behintzat, erabat isilarazi badu ere, bada beste mundu-parte batean bederen dezenteko harrabotsa harrotu duen burutazioa. Afganistango Bagrameko aire-basea berreskuratu nahiko luke Trumpek, bere lehen... [+]
Etxe Zurian edukitako liskarraren ostean, eskainitako laguntza "konponbide batera bideratuta" dagoela ziurtatu nahi du Trumpek. Zelenskiren arabera, Kievek bizirauteko aukera gutxi izango lituzke AEBen laguntza militarrik gabe.
Hemendik aurrera egunkarian soilik "norbanakoen askatasuna eta merkatu librea" sustatzen dituzten iritziak jasoko direla adierazi du enpresaburuak. Iritzi artikuluen zuzendariak hedabidea utzi duela ere argitaratu du.
AEBek Ukrainako gerraren aurrean egindako jarrera aldaketaren barruan, “lur arraroak” deiturikoak negoziaziorako gai nagusi bilakatu dira Volodymyr Zelenskyren eta Donald Trumpen artean. Lehenak nahi du AEBek bere segurtasuna bermatu dezatela Errusiaren aurrean,... [+]
Trumpen itzulera pizgarri izan da sendotuz doan eskuin muturreko erreakzionarioen mugimenduarentzat. Izan ere, historikoki, faxismoaren gorakada krisi ekonomikoekin lotuta egon da, baita sistemaren zilegitasun politiko eta ideologikoaren krisiarekin ere. Gaur egun, geldialdi... [+]
Batzuendako, dirutza izatea ez da nahikoa, eta euren ego hauskorrek diruaren txintxina ez ezik, protagonismoa ere eskatzen dute. Aberats okituak izatea nahikoa izango ez balitz bezala. Beti gehiago behar dute, anbizioa deritzote antsia horri, baina botere gosea eta nabarmendu... [+]
Greenpeaceko kideak Dakota Acces oliobidearen aurka protesta egiteagatik auzipetu dituzte eta astelehenean aztertu du salaketa Dakotako auzitegiak. AEBko Greenpeacek gaiaren inguruan jasango duen bigarren epaiketa izango da, lehenengo kasua epaile federal batek bota zuen atzera... [+]
Ekitaldian, Mileik motozerra bat oparitu dio Muski, murrizketa sozialen sinbolo eta aldarri gisa.
49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.
Palestinan genozidioa, Europan gerra eta potentzia nuklearren artean tentsioa. Ez daukagu berri on askorik emateko, baina bada bat, hondamendi orokorretik eratorria, aipatzea merezi duena: aldeko baldintzak sortzen ari dira kontrainformaziorako, informazio independenterako,... [+]