If this number of signatures were obtained, a referendum for independence would be held in accordance with the US elections of 2028, with the following question: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent state?”
In order to gain independence, at least 50 per cent of the voters would have to participate, of which 55 per cent would have to be in favour. This would not lead to an imminent declaration of independence, but it would proclaim “lack of confidence in the U.S.” and “California’s desire for independence.” Likewise, all U.S. flags would be removed from all California Government headquarters.
Under the initiative, if signatures are obtained, a committee of 20 citizens will be randomly selected in 2027, which should complete the report on California’s potential for independence.
Should the People Stand for Independence? It is not clear what would happen in such a case, since the U.S. Constitution does not provide for such a thing. According to several experts, states cannot leave the United States unless they have the consent of other states.
In any case, even if the request for a referendum can be traced, everything indicates that the Calexit initiative will not reach the end. The Yes California initiative is the promoter of the current initiative, but it already held another session when Donald Trump came to the presidency of the United States in 2016. Then Louis J. The campaign was led by Marinelli Yes, the leader of California, but the process did not move forward.
This is not the only case in the United States, where in 2016 and 2024 there have also been movements of the same kind in the state of Texas with the Texit initiative.
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