International organizations and other support groups are currently fearing the expansion of the coronavirus in the refugee camps that arrive in Europe. Cases of Lesbos have been mentioned in Greece, but closer, in Calais, in northern France, similar situations are also being experienced.
More than 1,000 people are now concentrated in the camps in Calais. The forced confinement imposed by the French Government has only made their situation difficult, as few aid groups can already reach them. The Guardian newspaper has spoken to one of those NGOs that are still in working camps in the area. Care4Calais members have explained to the British press that coronavirus cases have increased: "Although there are still few cases, expansion cannot be stopped in these terrible situations," he added.
Last week there were three people affected by the virus, but within a few days there were nine. They fear that cases will increase exponentially from now on. Migrants cannot take measures to prevent and protect the rest of the population, as the infrastructure and health conditions of the camps are very precarious: "We think half of them can get infected in the next four weeks," he added.
There's another factor that increases your vulnerability: chronic stress. The poor conditions in which it has been immersed so far have led to a serious deterioration in the immune system for many migrants.
Dunkerque and Calais City Hall began last week to move these people to other locations, although according to The Guardian no more than 80 have been moved and it is estimated that in the camps of the two municipalities around 1,500. However, NGOs report that there are only 500 places in residences.
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