According to the activists, the aim of the Jerusalem Light Train is to help expand and stabilize the settlements in Israel on Palestinian territory to expel the Palestinians from the West Bank and East Jerusalem. “We have come to remind CAF that infrastructure for Israeli settlements, including this train, is a serious violation of international law. Now is the time to withdraw from the project,” said activist Sarah Rosen, according to the Twitter eau account of CAF.
Activists have managed to paralyse the works for two hours. Shortly thereafter, the Israeli police have launched several shells, which have proved to be shot.
The CAF Works Council asked the company not to launch this train project and internationalist agents from the Basque Country and other movements and people have denounced the attitude of the company within the campaign “CAF, descend the train of apartheid in Israel”.
The moment the Police threw the activists has been captured in a video in the eau account of CAF:
❗ means LAST MINUTE ❗ This is the time that the Israeli accesses to forcibly evict the activists who have paralyzed during the hours of the tram in Jerusalem for works for CAF that is removed from the project.
— Eau de CAF (@Valles DeCaf) December 15, 2020
The UPV/EHU Palestine was born with the aim of breaking with all Israeli companies and institutions that are carrying out and working with genocide in Palestine. Israel’s impunity comes from its political, military, economic, scientific and academic relations in Europe and the... [+]
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