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The lawyer of the Cabezudo case is convicted for his comments against a judge

  • The second Irun Examining Court has been convicted by Mario Diez, a lawyer of the private prosecution in the case of the Donostian photographer Kote Cabezudo (lawyer for the majority of the victims reported) for the allegations against the honour of Judge Ana Isabel Pérez Asenjo, according to information published by the news agency Efe.

10 November 2022 - 14:50
Mario Diez akusazio partikularreko abokatua, Kote Cabezudoren aurkako epaiketan. (Argazkia: Beñat Parra)
Perez Asenjo was the first investigator of the case, and Diez will now have to pay EUR 60,000 and the costs of the procedure. He must also read the entire sentence in the places where he made such accusations. In 2018 he made the statements that have led to be condemned, uploaded to Youtube in three videos, in a tweet of the social network Twitter in the program El Gato al Agua de Intereconomia TV and in La Jungla de la cadena Radio 4G. Ten has the possibility to appeal the judgment.


Among other things, according to the ruling, Diez used a tweet from Twitter’s Gipuzkoa account to spread the accusation “very serious” through “malicious comments” and “offensive”, such as the magistrate “participating in a pact between two political parties to silence an alleged plot of paedophilia”. He also “questioned the judicial function of Pérez Asenjo as an instructor”, because “the truth is missing, it is played with procedural actions hiding reality” and “distorting”, “deliberately mixing two procedures”, which was also an “active” lawyer, “aware of the knowledge on the subject” and “knowing that the truth is failing”.

Díe hasn’t said anything about the sentence in public at the moment, but through the social network Twitter remembers that on the 23rd Disney Plus platform they will release the documentary on the Cabezudo case and speak on the 25th.

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