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Cabacas case: with a third of the sessions performed and contradictory versions

  • The trial for the murder of Iñigo Cabacas has been underway since 15 October. The testimonies of the majority of the officers charged in the police operation that led to the death of the young person and the testimonies of witnesses have been opposed in the sessions held so far.
(Aragazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

24 October 2018 - 12:41
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

==Death==Iñigo Cabacas Liceranzu died on 5 April 2012 as a result of a rubber punch launched by the Ertzaintza, a few days after being injured. Six and a half years later, the murder trial was held at the Palace of Justice of the Basque capital. The trial, which began on 15 October, will continue until 9 November, and at the fourteen sessions to be held during that period, more than a hundred witnesses will be testified. The Cabacas family and the Iñigo goan platform have, however, denounced that not all those responsible for the murder will sit in the dock of the defendants, such as the ertzaina UGARTEKO, who was in charge of the police operation. The version defended by the majority of the actors prosecuted does not coincide with that provided by several texts in which the third part of the trial has already been executed.

The first session of the trial began on 15 October with the statements of the six Ertzaines charged with “serious wrongful death.” Three of the officers had some responsibility for the police operation that caused the death of Cabacas, and three others acknowledged having fired a firearm. Although more police officers used rifles that threw rubber balls, they have not been identified and will not be tried.

The testimonies of the imputed Ertzainas were contradictory: most believed that the operative police was “the right and proper” and “the only way to take control” of a multitude of people, but the former officer with the highest operational level did not join this version. According to this, the group that participated in the operation had little experience in the use of rubber balls and behaved unknowingly about the use of the rifles. The fact that several agents claimed that they did not know that rubber balls could cause death from the fire. Those responsible for the vans nº 13 and 14, for their part, denied the official’s words that it was a group without experience.

The ertzaina, which has been removed from the majority version, was not in favour of entering the square, but being at the command of UGARTEK as head of operations at the headquarters of Deusto (Bilbao), had to do so. “I was not a supporter of entering; if it were for me, we would have left,” he said. However, he was in charge of everything that happened on the street and could therefore be prevented by police charges. He points out that he was not able to do so because he could not be “attentive to everything”. Although he acted as an officer on that day, he understood that the responsibility for the facts lay with the survivors.

Senior Ertzaintza officials to evade the burden of responsibility

After the first session in which the high offices were indirectly appointed, at the third session of the 17 October trial, the ertzaina Jorge Aldekoa led the ball of responsibility which he had thrown over his court to the defendant. In his opinion, the decisions taken at the moment should be made by "the authority that has local information", regardless of the orders that come from the police station. In addition, he said that the agents of the Ertzaintza are prepared for such interventions, which are being carried out.

For its part, the Ertzainas Ernek union has launched a statement in which it has stated that “it is political and police leadership”. In the union’s words, “the main actors are rarely coordinating events” and has asked the following question: “And now, who is going to sit on the bench the real managers?”

In 2010 she was director of the Arkaute Academy of Ertzainas and current Vice Minister of Environment, Elena Moreno, also declared in the third session, arguing that the formation of the academy teaches to shoot the Ertzainas.

Testimonies of citizenship

The versions of a number of citizens who have testified at the sessions on 16, 17, 22 and 23 October say that there was no incident justifying the police aggression, that the Ertzainas initiated the burden without prior warning, that they shot people face to face and “beat”, that the agents spared the people’s requests for ambulances after the Cabacas wound and used the violence. This version collides fully with the accounts of most ertzainas.

Among the citizens' statements are those made by the driver of a bus that went through the place and the nurse who attended Cabacas. The first alleged that there were no passengers on the bus at the time and that the Ertzaintza had fired to ensure the well-being of the passengers inside the bus. The second said that, despite asking the Ertzainas for an ambulance, they did not listen to him and that he had alerted the emergency services. He assured that he had been given an endless time until the ambulance arrived, and when he asked why it took so long to arrive, he replied that the Ertzaines had prevented him from accessing it.

Conduct of the 6th meeting of the trial

The sixth session of the trial began this Wednesday, 24 October, in the morning. Together with the Ertzainas who will testify on the spot will also be Ugarte, who has been quoted as a witness, the agent who led the operation and who gave the order to “enter the alley, with all we have”. He has also accused the imputed ertzaina, the only one who criticized the intervention of that day, with the highest level of the operation: “The officer told me they were not participating. Only I tried to get the officer off the car. I didn't tell him if I had to use a shotgun or a whistle.

Convened by the Iñigo goan platform and in order to denounce that they are not among the defendants of UGARTEKO, they have concentrated on Wednesday morning, before the plenary begins. Along with the family and friends of Cabacas, the Catalan lawyer Laia Serra and the member of the Stop Bales de Goma platform, Carles Guillot, appeared to speak as observers.

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