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Busturialdea duin lan, libre bizi

30 August 2023 - 08:12
Last updated: 10:22

The Gernikarra singer Eñaut Elorrieta has written an excellent synthesis for our people, singing “we have come long, we go far”. And it's true, we're a long-term reality, and this region has something to say on that road. The Tree of Gernika remains shaded as it was for centuries, and although 86 years ago they wanted to destroy it, on its land there is a standing people who are building freedom and peace.

We are a society that we live drowned in immediacy. Everything we want in the moment, we have to broaden the perspective and discover the land in which we live, because we have in our hands the knowledge and wealth that has been transmitted from generation to generation. For what and for whom is the key.

Busturialdea is always a news story in recent months, because since 1984 some Basque and Biscay institutions have expressed their intention to build the Guggenheim in Urdaibai, biosphere reserve. The mega-project will cost 130 million, in the first forecasts, and among other things, it seems that everything with 40 million will be paid to the Spanish central government. We don't know where the rest will come from.

The mobilisations made by the Ernai youth organisation in June have been made by us and, as in other areas of the Basque Country, the fact that we want to devote our region exclusively to the tourism industry gives us concern.

It is about boosting the economic exploitation of the natural and historical heritage that we have, which serves the interests of the few. Disproportionate expansion of second homes, increased rent prices, the risk of gentrification, increased demand for water resources, increased mobility challenges through public transport, increased risks to the most sensitive ecosystems, commodification of culture, precariousness of jobs... And everything, plus, with public money.


In Busturialdea we are the majority who opt for a community model in which dignified work, free life, public-community care, the prestige of Basque culture and the balances with nature are at the centre of

The debate must be approached with perspective and, reviewing what the transformation and challenge processes of the time show, prioritizing the tasks we have today: the ecosocial crisis and/or the care crisis show the need and urgency of another productive and reproductive system, and the movements that are involved in these projects, even in our region, are weaving proposals for ecosocial transition (local communities, recovery, global sustainability, etc. ).

At a time when health and the right to live and be cared for in a dignified manner, the existence of beds in the hospital of the area for the chronically ill and palliative is an urgent investment, and both the platform with beds and the movements of the pensioners have long claimed it.

Faced with the industrial process enacted for years by political decisions, to focus on the sustainable value-added industry, to deepen the modernisation of cooperativism (which distances the abuse of subcontracting that generates precarious life from its founding philosophy), to make real bets on the primary sector based on food sovereignty, to have sustainable tourism models, to develop education projects for sustainability (regulated and community), respiratory strategies for the Basque system of culture, inclusion policies.

That is where we should place the potential of public policy and the strength and resources of the Community drive.

In Busturialdea we are the majority who opt for a model of region in which dignified work, free life, public-community care, the prestige of Basque culture and the balances with nature are at the centre.

There are resources to build a plan that addresses real structural problems and responds to the challenges of the region, and it is up to us to put at your service all the knowledge and tools we have. We must focus on the determination to acquire rights through the struggle and defend our own.

We are and will be in that. Open to collaboration with the aim of encouraging entrepreneurship in favour of social majorities. In Busturialdea we have received genealogy, we have learned, they have transmitted us. We are determined to look up and build the Busturialdea today and tomorrow on equal values, community, citizens and transformers.

We will not allow our present and our future to be in the hands of privileged elites.

Ibon Meñika Orue-Etxebarria, Irati Omagoieaskoa, Ion Basurko

Create, Ernai, LAB Busturialdea

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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