The society in which we live is absolutely based on subordination. Over the centuries, our lives have been shaped according to it, and little by little the power of decision, freedom and sovereignty have been reduced. Sometimes they've taken us away with force, sometimes we've given them ourselves joyfully, or unconsciously, through long, deep work, which is human engineering.
Today the situation is very serious and dangerous, as the root that makes us free is in danger of extinction: food, clothing, health, teaching, work... The decision-making capacity is very small, because everything is in the interests of the few. They've become an absolutely artificial life, and that doesn't have a very good future. For example, the essential water, the water that comes into our homes is contaminated (how do you understand that water needs chemicals to be able to drink? ), the air we breathe is generally contaminated, the food that is sold on the market is contaminated. Consequences? There are more and more sick people, more and more diseases, both physical and mental, in languages in which the wealth corresponding to the vocabulary is continually being lost (including the Basque language), it is curious how many new names are invented around health or, rather, diseases.
In an organization dominated by subordination, political parties have played a fundamental role since they went to the plaza. We could say that they were designed intentionally, precisely in order to better meet the objectives sought by the lords. They are the column of real power, after accepting to be bought in exchange for participating in this infamous and oppressive system. They represent or steal the freedom of the human being, they are hierarchical structures, they dress with possible ideologies to provoke distinctions between citizenship, and they have turned the group relations that are necessary to us into pure mimicry, among other things. In the Basque Country, at least, this trend is very evident. Among us, there is repeated talk of the right to decide, but in the smallest people neither is power left to the citizens, by means of assemblies or otherwise.
Faced with this drifting Basque Country, we must regain sovereignty, as a matter of urgency, in order to have a firm and clear future. In order to do this, we must make the political parties disappear.
In a truly diverse world, where the characteristics of every day and night are different, where all the flowers have their nuances, and in which men are unique, it is shameful to see how they raise their hands at once in the municipalities and in the rest of the places, obeying, in all matters, the orders that come from above. They work as a herd and they want us a herd. To take another example, in recent times, someone has called the trumpet to mobilise in favour of Palestine, but there is no mermaid in favour of Venezuela. Are there limits on human rights, torture, murder... are good or bad according to an ideology, the word of the people can be stolen if the one who commands is “socialist”? I am, of course, against all oppression and, in this case, in addition, there are many more Basques in Venezuela, where the results of the work they have left are very evident.
As we have said, human beings do not propose, debate or decide on a single rule, a single law. But man can only replace himself; no one can steal him. Therefore, in the face of this drifting Basque Country, we must regain sovereignty, urgently, in order to have a firm and clear future. To do this, we must make the political parties disappear and take in our hands all those who have decided in relation to our lives: the human being – the neighbourhood – the people – the lineage – the world. The land belongs to the people and we must protect them. There is no “general interest” to be decided outside of us, but to be agreed between all neighbours and neighbours and on an equal basis. We do not need a Member, the Basque Government, the Government of Aquitaine to establish here and there the new Guggenheim, the TAV, incinerators, macro-wind farms or house jails.
Life begins with oneself, and the projects necessary for its development must be carried out in the neighborhoods. From there, the people will decide what kind of structuring they need, and not the other way around.
Political parties and sovereignty are like oil and water: inmiscible.
Iñaki Landazabal
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