The Udalbiltza Consortium has set up an experience bank to boost the sovereignty and development of Elkar-Eman. "This is an attempt to extend to the municipal sphere the synergies of cooperation that exist within the Basque society and in the whole of Euskal Herria".
The aim of this initiative is to bring together the many pioneering and progressive projects being carried out in the municipalities and municipalities: "The objective is to put this set of experiences at the service of the rest of the municipalities of Euskal Herria, building networks of national relations and enabling the formation of voters".
In the platform, located on the web, a total of 30 experiences grouped into seven lines of work have been exposed: Energy Sovereignty, Food Sovereignty, Housing and Urbanism, Ease of Soil Work, Transformative Social Economy, Euskera, and feminist policies. These actions must meet a number of criteria such as being transformative, being “transportable” – which can also be carried out in other municipalities – and having as their main objective the “social benefit”.
Thus, on the web you can consult the different projects of different territories and places: Errekaleor, self-managed neighborhood of Vitoria-Gasteiz, ecological gardens of Laudio, popular kitchen of Orduña, Zuberoa Local Youth Savings Group, social clauses of Hernani, Koop57, I-Ener... The bank offers extensive information in Basque, Spanish and French.
As Udalbiltza explained, new experiences will be acquired each year and "will be fed continuously".
From 19 to 21 October, Hernani held a conference of sovereignty to learn, share and reflect on “transformative experiences”. The talks and activities have been carried out through the citizens' initiative Hernani Burujab, but have also been promoted by the City Hall of... [+]
Herri eta bailara ugari basamortu bihurtzen ari da Euskal Herrian. Lan eta zerbitzurik gabe, egungo merkatuak bazterturiko eremuotan nola bizi? Egoera hori irauli nahi du Udalbiltzak, eta horretarako, logika lehiakorretik at, pertsonak erdigunean jartzen dituen ekonomia... [+]
Igandean goizeko bostetan eskoletako ateetan egon behar dela diote batean eta bestean, behin eta berriz, hori da mezu nagusia nonahi Bartzelonan. Seietan Mossoak joango ei dira eskolak hustera.