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Abuse of the head

16 June 2021 - 14:32
Last updated: 16:38

In languages, archaeological remains can be found that reflect the customs and identity of the old speakers. Ecology, for example, immerses us in the history of Europe. This is a neologism that was born in the 19th century and was used to name a science that had just begun. In this excavation, the eco prefix emerges through layers like the oikos (house) for the Greek. In the same place we would find the lodge, in Greek logos (word), which would later echo in the Roman legend, in order to read or choose it. We can drill deeper and see how the word oikos has its origin in the wei prefix of the ancient Indo-Europeans, which meant house or clan, and we can also see its shadow in the words villa or victory.

These conclusions may not be scientifically fair, but they may be useful in outlining the directions of research, especially when we move in areas that have no place in this intangible world of languages.

The first signs in Euskera date from about two thousand years ago, with vmmesahar, illvna or belex inscriptions on the steles of Aquitaine. The Basque of that time, the Basque of those Euskaldunes, has not reached us, because words leave no trace in the air, therefore, we have to resort to grammatical excavations to understand their thought and vision of the world.

One of the most notable examples is how the word water, without any article a, can explain how the ancient Basques read the world. For them, water was the source of all things, the elementary particle, the component of everything they could see. Primitive broth. From the water came the land, the wood, the snow, the bones, the years, the wood and the rocks of wood, the rain, the reverence and the farewell. Everything they saw with their eyes was, so to speak, made of water.

All of this I heard for the first time in the play “Zazpi aldiz ELUR” and today, seven years after the premiere, another word comes from the water. The word "head," actually. President.

The Basques abuse us from the head, from the word and from the tongue, and our language, once again, says so. When the Basques want to put an end to our lives, we committed suicide. We end things, after a fixed time. The deepest ideas are the occurrences, even the most capricious ones. To capital sins we call them subordinate sins, giving a new return to the crimental concept of the novel 1984. We face problems with fire and fire, until we untie the knot of the head and the heart. I also have some calcos that we share with the Spanish: head down, head loss, give your head, eat your head or use your head.

"I don't know if other people do that. But we attach great importance to what happens in the head, to thoughts. Maybe because we've had a complicated life in history."

Regardless of whether or not the mind agrees with this idea, it should be retained and thought that all this is no coincidence. Here's a clear pattern and you don't need a lot of salt in your head for you to notice.

I do not know if other peoples do. But we attach great importance to what happens in the head, to thoughts. Perhaps because in history we have had a complicated life, always wanting to make sense of our intricate identity, thinking about new ways to reclaim our peculiarities. Especially with other languages, in permanent mental and mental processes.

He has caught my head all these days, he has asked me if the Basques need some peace of mind and he has given me less of a head. In fact, there are voices that claim the use of hands and cuffs, and that encourage them to take them in the neck and go ahead. Let's get out of the skull and other ways of claiming our own, to lose the fear of using the other parts of the body.

We need oxygen. It's centuries that we've been turning our heads around. It is true that the Indo-Europeans, the Iberos, the Romans, the Visigoths, the kingdom of Castile, Franco and globalization have questioned the survival of the Basque Country, that the risks have not disappeared, but it would be healthier to face the challenges of the twenty-first century with another body.

Because it's tired to think continuously. Because we can become a psychologically exhausted village, overcome the measure and fall from one idea to another into a perpetual spell, like a dog chased by the tail.

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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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