In Larraspi, the domestic mare feeds on the exploitation of the surrounding lands. Forages of fields and grasslands and water from a deep subsoil. The milk that comes out of that barn can be told of it. Not milk produced in such milk, food and water and milk produced by cattle declared from their homes.
In Larraspi, the feeding of cows is completed with the regeneration of water extracted from the subsoil. Many pitches are flushed and converted into cultivated fields and create many forages of their own. Maize (Zea mays), for example. But he had a suspicion that there was no good soil or good food. We are on the way to solving this assumption. I wanted to feed the cows, but I also wanted to feed the land. One of their concerns was fertilizer. So he asked me to help him, he took me as a travel companion to take care of the soil quality. What I said before, I will never get bored: you have to take care of the life of the earth. The garfio is easy to say and understand, but elaboration is the cider of the other barrel. With the right equipment, the least amount of labor possible and taking advantage of the work spaces that allow us time, there are few plots suitable for a good crop. In this way, we must measure by a millimeter what we are working on in this field and achieve the two objectives: to enrich the land and to restore quality fodder. Give the land and take it from the ground. Wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa), txirta (Vicia sativa), peas (Pisum sativum)... It wasn't growing in those fields. He talked about the technique of green fertilizer: with the crops a lot of soil was made in depth, the food was raised, the soil was filled with nitrogen with the legumes and a perfect forage was achieved for those of the house. Aware of the serious problem generated by the barn purine in the surrounding lands and with a clear wager on the future, he was the first to bring the machine to bury them. He also dug in it the solid manure he had made with Mind. All for the good of their lands.
Iñaki was not the shooting cow that tilted the neck to what the covert bosses of the peasants and the caciques and the caciques say. It was an example for many, and it has shown the way. Like many other young people.
I didn't stop asking me to send him all the books I've published with some special offer for his mother. I wrote on the first page the offer I love most lately, “For Maite, hold the land head and heart,” and sent him a book of 111 sheets and pages. There she has many lessons learned and worked with her son and many others. A kiss for Maitere and his own.
Mila milioika mintzo dira agintariak. CO2 isurketak konpentsatzeko neurri eraginkor gisa aurkeztuta, zuhaitz landaketei buruzko zifra alimaleak entzuten dira azken urteetan. Trantsiziorako bide interesgarria izan zitekeen, orain arteko oihanak zainduta eta bioaniztasuna... [+]
Kutsatzaile kimiko toxikoak hauteman dituzte Iratiko oihaneko liken eta goroldioetan. Ikerketan ondorioztatu dute kutsatzaile horietako batzuk inguruko hiriguneetatik iristen direla, beste batzuk nekazaritzan egiten diren erreketetatik, eta, azkenik, beste batzuk duela zenbait... [+]
Magnoliak eleganteak dira. Dotoreak. Anddereak. Pontxoak. Apainak. Pimentak. Gurbilak. Ponposak, ponpoxearrenak. Ortiroak. Ia-ia fazazkoak, kriket eta kraket. Ez naiz harritzen, beren loraldien azpian lurrarekin urtzerainoko handitasunaren menpeko sentitzen naiz urtero.
Ubidekoak (Bizkaia) dira Imanol Iturriotz eta Aritz Bengoa gazteak. “Lagunak gara txikitatik, eta beti izan dugu buruan abeltzaintza proiektu bat martxan jartzeko ideia”, azaldu du Iturriotzek. Nekazaritzari lotutako ikasketak izan ez arren, baserri munduarekin eta... [+]
Antxoa, bokarta edo albokartia, gure arrain komertzialen artean txikiena, euskal kostaldera hurbildu da.
Gaur abiatu da Bizi Baratzea Orrian kide egiteko kanpaina. Urtaro bakoitzean kaleratuko den aldizkari berezi honek Lurrari buruzko jakintza praktikoa eta gaurkotasuneko gaiak jorratuko ditu, formato oso berezian: poster handi bat izango du ardatz eta tolestu ahala beste... [+]
Noizbait. Noiz izan ote zen? Noizbait landareren batek lorea egitea erabaki zuen. Bai, bai, landareek ere erabakiak hartzen dituzte, eta guk maiz ez bezala, erabakiak bete egiten dituzte. Eta loreak sortu zituzten.
Iruñean bizi ziren Iñaki Zoko Lamarka eta Andoni Arizkuren Eseberri gazteak, baina familiaren herriarekin, Otsagabiarekin, lotura estua zuten biek betidanik. “Lehen, asteburuetan eta udan etortzen ginen eta duela urte batzuk bizitzera etorri ginen”, dio... [+]
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Gipuzkoako hamaika txokotatik gerturatutako hamarka lagun elkartu ziren otsailaren 23an Amillubiko lehen auzo(p)lanera. Biolur elkarteak bultzatutako proiektu kolektiboa da Amillubi, agroekologian sakontzeko eta Gipuzkoako etorkizuneko elikadura erronkei heltzeko asmoz Zestoako... [+]
Nori ez zaio gustatzen ahuakatea? Ia denok atsegin dugu fruitu berri hori, di-da amaren batean etxekotu zitzaigun. Zenbat urte da ba dendaero ikusten hasi garela? Gure mahaietara iritsi aurretik, historia luzea du.
Udaberri aurreratua ate joka dabilkigu batean eta bestean, tximeletak eta loreak indarrean dabiltza. Ez dakit onerako edo txarrerako, gure etxean otsailean tximeleta artaldean ikustea baino otsoa ikustea hobea zela esaten baitzen.
Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.