All the municipal groups in Burlada have denounced the sexual assault suffered by the young woman during the local festivities and have shown her total solidarity with her and her closest environment. They have also shown respect for the defence of their rights and for the maintenance of their privacy.
In an institutional statement on the facts, the City Hall says that “the street, the night, the day, the parties, are for the enjoyment of all people” and that nothing justifies “the loss of freedom and security of women”. “Violence against women is a structural phenomenon,” the statement states, and is present in every social class in our society, in every country and place in the world and every day of the year.”
In the face of this situation, in the City Hall “we are committed to maintaining an active attitude towards the different forms of violence suffered by women, as well as to work on the prevention and visibility of these violence”. At the same time, we express our firm commitment to continue to implement measures to eradicate violence against women in all areas, as well as to continue to implement measures in awareness-raising and prevention policies.”
Faced with the different forms of violence suffered by women, “the City Hall invites citizens not to be confused” and to show their rejection and support to the family, they have called a rally on Friday at 19:00 in the plaza de las Eras.
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