If it were a typical weekend in May, the rugby wouldn’t absorb the news of sports journalism. This weekend, however, the final of the European championship will be held in Bilbao, where the competition between two teams of those who are among the best will be seen. In this context, the lack of prominence given to women by public institutions has been condemned in this video by the women of the rugby teams of Gernika, Getxo, Bilbao and Eibar. It is claimed that women also play rugby: “It’s not about who’s going to give me permission, but who’s going to stop me.”
"The question isn't what I'm going to allow... if I'm going to stop it!" @Arteanet @bizkaialde @WatchesDeportes @BaroqueRT @UniBilbaoRugby #AupaGetxo #WatchesRugbyGirls #WatchesDeportes pic.twitter.com/Qen3Sodiwb
— Rugby (@rugbyrugbyrugbyrugbyrugby) May 10, 2018
Euskaltzaindiak gutunak bidali dizkie Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko ahaldun nagusiari, Ekonomi eta Lurralde Garapena Sustatzeko diputatuari eta Bizkaiko Euskara eta Kultura Foru diputatuari.
Iragarkiaren hasieran, entzun behar izan dituztenak kontatzen dituzte errugbi jokalariek: “Ez da neskentzako kirola”, "mari-mutila”, “errugbian jokatzen baduzu lesbiana izango zara, ala?”... Beste aldea dator gero: “Jarraitu... [+]