The Juvenile Prosecutor's Office reports a case of Bullying. For years, the tools for working on the subject in school have multiplied, but, with exceptions, in general schools do not actively tackle harassment among students, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. When they know a case of harassment, they say that schools have to get involved more, that the answer given is not enough. Previously, "teachers should pay more attention to young people than because of their personal, family or social situation they may or are being targeted by bullying".
Protocols often fail, and proof of this is the victim's usual tendency to change school when harassment occurs
There are few initiatives to work on the subject at school. In these years we have known, among others, the KiVa method that focuses on the group and passive witnesses, the Bizikasi initiative that seeks the curriculum for positive coexistence or the Haziak project to feed healthy relationships. Teachers, cloisters and schools also know the protocols, even though protocols have often been mistaken, and proof of this is the tendency to change school to the victim when there is harassment. The right work usually takes time and resources. And beyond school, of course, it is also the responsibility of families: the intervention of parents in the aggressor's house can be decisive.
According to the latest data, cases of bullying at CAPV have increased and most cases have been detected in Secondary.
Incel, cyberbullying, sexting, catfishing, cyberbating, doxxing, gaslighting, grooming, sextorisio… Lately all the negative behaviors of human beings are being “tag-eated” in the digital sphere, it seems that the manifestations we had in the physical sphere do not serve to... [+]
You, who have been persecuted in school and therefore have no crew, I do not know how you live that you do not have a crew. To me, that made it very difficult for me in the day to day at the time of the ikastola, until I became dependent on the desire to have a crew. In recent... [+]
LGBTfobiaren adibide lazgarriak ugariak izan dira 2021ean, Euskal Herrian eta munduan. Andaluziatik iritsi da azken kolpea: 20 urteko emakume batek bere buruaz beste egin zuen abenduaren 28an, lesbiana izateagatik bortizki jazartua izan ostean. Lau salaketa jarriak zituen.