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Irudia: Behe Banda

09 September 2024 - 07:15

I repeat again this year that it is possible to go against the current, that going back to the starting point is not inevitable. I wanted to convince myself of the false, but against my will, we went back to our starting point: “at the beginning of the course,” again. They've ended the big week, the endless naps, or the times when the waste of time doesn't hurt.

The goal expedition begins again: the annual race begins. Each one has taken place on his trainee, under his rowing, and we have started to paddle, almost by inertia, trying to catch the rhythm of the routine, clumsy, formless and uncustomary. We pray for the weekend breeze or the fresh Christmas wind streak. On the street, barefoot and with a cucurucho in the head, there's just a sprint left. We start the usual path, because we believe that we should not take the atypical path to reach the goal. Without the backbone again, the current returns us to the beginning five times faster.

My mother would tell me that if the holidays were longer, the chance that the current account would stay to zero would be 100 percent. There were so many meals out, eleven rods per day or another week in Salou. But he didn't think that now I would have to pay a fine or a penalty for political propaganda or not to fall asleep at the university tuition, the rocodrome fee, the Professor of Thermodynamics classes.

"Because the year has two stages in the system: holidays and not vacations. Studying or quoting throughout the year is a matter of producing, it is a matter of holidays. Spend the whole year praying to stop laughing"

Because the year has two stages in the system: holidays and not vacations. Studying or quoting throughout the year is a matter of producing, it is a matter of holidays. Spend the whole year praying to stop laughing. With Agujete, perhaps also lost on the road, because everything is worth getting to the holidays. Although we all come to Ithaka, not all of us will arrive the same: some have had the opportunity to go to fission along the way to avoid pain from taking vitamins. Others don't. Because this is what is established, working long enough to enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

It only frightens us to see the tide down, but when the sea is calm, it would frighten us more. This is the case of some, dedicating to private classes during the course to keep the slope of the month to zero. The problem has become complicated when the theatre entries have risen to seven euros. A reed -2.5 euros, a café (if you choose the right bar) -1.8 euros, a photocopy in the neighborhood -0.1 euros per page (account with the notes of 400 pages). The account graphs are complicated to grow and end up as if they fell from the precipice as summer approaches. Sometimes it's impossible to do the whole season on one team, you feel pushed into two teams.

After all, everyone’s goal is to stop paddling, take the rowing out of the water and look at the sea calmly: a holiday. That is why we continue to reunite, coordinate and achieve the same goal. Some even rowing in two teams won't come before. It's not in our hands, some traineras are heavier in origin, some remers are poorly genetic, or coordination is not free.

There are athletes who give up the system, who swim against the current. Also the brave or wealthy who refuse to work; those who stop laughing because they have a sailboat, or those who have chosen to spend their whole lives drifting from a skate, for not repairing. But I'm a coward, and by inertia, I'll be another one that stops driving the current of the system: I just have to start working.

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