British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has managed to delay the return to Parliament for five weeks, with the permission of British Elizabeth II.aren. In this way, Parliament will rejoin its legislative activity on 14 October and it is expected that the European exit from the United Kingdom will end on 31 October.
Opponents say that this Johnson movement has been to reduce the parliamentary impact on Brexit decisions, so that the UK exit goes as the government wants. Whether there is agreement or not, it appears that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union on 31 October, leaving little time for Parliament to work normally.
The decision has alarmed many parliamentarians, especially those who do not want Brexit without an agreement on Parliament. Some of these parliamentarians have accused Johnson of acting as a “dictator” for impeding the work of parliament “in a time of life or death.”
The request that its work should not be delayed on the website of the British Parliament already has 1,250,000 signatures, which means at least 100,000 signatures for a request for dialogue in the House of Commons.
Europako Batasuna 1993an sortu zenetik kide berriak gehitu dira bata bestearen atzetik. Joan den ostiralera arte 28 estatuk osatu dute makro-egitura politiko eta ekonomiko hori. Izan ere, urtarrilaren 31 historiara pasako da, EBk izan duen lehen zatiketaren eguna izan delako... [+]
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