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Britain and the European Union sign an agreement on Brexit

  • After a long negotiation process, the United Kingdom and the European Union have reached an agreement on Brexit at the last minute.

24 December 2020 - 11:29
(Argazkia: Christoph Scholz)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

These are four years of the referendum on independence held among the British citizens in which the option of leaving the European Union was imposed. Since then, the United Kingdom and the European Union have been negotiating and the road has come to an end: They have just signed the agreement.

As both parties made known on Wednesday night, they had already prepared a text stipulating the future relationship between the two parties, only the signing of an agreement was lacking, and so did Boris Jonshon and Ursula Von Der Leyen. The European Union’s partners will have to give their approval to the proposed agreement between Thursday and Friday.

Once the agreement has been signed, the next step will be to call the ambassadors. Member States shall have a period of 24 to 48 hours to examine the agreement in order to give its agreement. The intention of the United Kingdom is that the agreement should be applied provisionally at the beginning of the year for later approval by the European Parliament.

There have been several key aspects of the negotiation. One of them is regulation. The European Union has stood firm in a position: The United Kingdom's access to a single market must comply with the rules on the environment, labour and public subsidies, or be similar to those of the EU. However, Boris Johnson has not shown any intention to change environmental and labour regulations, but he has expressed doubts about the rules on subsidies.

Another key to the negotiations was to agree on what each party should do in the event of a conflict. At the beginning of the negotiating process, the EU wanted the last word to be that of the European Court of Justice. The United Kingdom, however, opposed this claim, so the EU has ended up accepting that its companies resort to the courts of the United Kingdom.

The debate on fisheries has also been key throughout this time, where the negotiating process has been chained for a long time, according to the negotiators. On the basis of the information disseminated by the AFP agency citing sources from the French Government, Berria says: “The United Kingdom would give way to its aspirations and EU vessels would be able to access the waters of England and Scotland, but by reviewing the current quotas.”

The agreement has been concluded on social media by senior leaders from many countries, as well as by the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde.

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