The President of the Brittan region, Loig Chesnais-Girard, a member of the Socialist Party (PS), has recently succeeded in bringing forward a legal initiative that makes the idea possible. In his view, the proposal will contribute to "further strengthening the unanimous collective commitment". The initiative has been approved thanks to the majority of the PS Government in the Council of Brittany.
Due to the current territorial organization of the French Republic, historic Brittany is divided into four departments (green and yellow in the image), and the Department of Loire Atlantique (darker green in the image): It is part of the Pays de la Loire (Loire) region.
The referendum will require votes in favour of the region of Brittany and the department of Loire Atlantique. The first one has given its approval, the second one has not. What is more, the Council of Loire Atlantique refused in the vote two years ago.
The anti-Breton movement, which has achieved more than 100,000 signatures, called on the Council of Loire Atlantique to investigate the department of Loire Atlantique in the region of Brittany. But the result was this: Of the 62 members of the Commission, 30 voted against. 13. Fifteen abstained. Four did not participate.
At the moment, a committee in charge of the sovereign coalition has worked on how to allocate the necessary funds to carry out the referendum. The group led by Councillor Isabelle Le Bal (of the centrist party MoDem) and the first vice-president of the council, Jean-Michel Le Boulanger (of the PS), has ensured that "the problem of the division of territorial collectivities is democratic and must be addressed democratically. So. We must listen to the opinion of the citizens.”
220.000 biztanlek erregularki erabiltzen dute bretaindar hizkuntza. Emaitza aski arranguragarria, jakinez Bretaina historikoan 4 milioi biztanle badirela. Hori da bretaindarraren egoera gaur egun.
Hamar urte daramatza Nantes Revoltéek informatzen, baina urtarrilean hedabidearen disoluzio prozedura abiatu du Frantziako Gobernuak. Nantes Revoltéek salatu du beren aurkako prozedurak hedabide independente oro eta informazio eskubidea mehatxatzen dituela.
It's called Ar Redadeg, a career similar to the Korrika that's being held in Brittany. Taking what AEK is preparing as a reference, they started doing so in 2008. Like Korrika, it is held every two years and this year is the fourth edition. The race will run from 24 to 31 May... [+]
Agroindustriaren sektoreaz informatzeko orduan, “benetako omertà” egoeran kausitzen dira kazetari bretoiak. Inork ez du hitz egin nahi eta hitz eginez gero presioak, mehatxuak, auzibideak zein zentsurak dituzte ordainean. Sektore indartsua delako... [+]