Thirdly, the break science test cannot be carried out in Basque by 193 students from five schools and colleges, sponsored by the French Ministry of Education. This attack on language rights began in 2017, as the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, wants the examination to be carried out in French.
In the face of this situation, the three schools in the locality called for concentrations next Tuesday: In the Xalbador school at 11:15 in the morning, in front of the Manex Erdozaintzi Etxart school at 12:00 and in the Piarres Larzabal school at 12:45.
It must be in Basque
This rejection has been described as contrary to linguistic rights, and SEASKA has added that studying the subject "in the language that has been learned" is a right. Remember, last year, something like this happened. “By ministerial order, the copies of our 179 science students were kidnapped so that they were not corrected by Basque correctors. The amendment was limited to figures and graphs.”
In recent years, the trend is that bass and brebeta are gradually translated. From next year, for example, the examination of the sciences of the lower can be done in Euskera. Therefore, this trend is opposed to the impossibility of carrying out the study of the Basque Breviary Sciences.
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