In January of last year, the judges annulled two local police posts with a B2 requirement, considering that applying for Basque could be "discriminatory", and in the previous week, the Superior Court of the Basque Country decided not to consider the appeal filed by the City Council of San Sebastián. The meetings denounced this judicial aggression against the Basque language by the Workers’ Committee of the City Council of San Sebastián, together with ELA and LAB, as well as the dialects.
The meetings were held on 12 February to denounce the closure of the City Council’s appeal to the issue of the Basque language requirement of the San Sebastián Municipal Police, convened at noon by the Workers’ Committee of the City Council of San Sebastián, with the support of the ELA and LAB unions, and in the afternoon by the Basque Language Council and Bagera. The workers have had the time to denounce the judicial aggression that is developing: "Unfortunately, what has been legal for the last 30 years has now become exclusionary, even though the language legislation has not changed in the years." In a way that leaves no room for these setbacks, the need to “get out on the street” from the workers’ rally has been emphasized.
These attacks against Basque language and speakers have been denounced by the Basque Council and Bagera in the afternoon: "What was fair yesterday is illegal today. They have changed the rules of the game of the normalization of the Basque language and, at present, anything serves to invalidate the measures that seek to guarantee our linguistic rights." Thus, not only have they strongly denounced the "interference of judicial power", but they have also proclaimed a "new legal architecture": "We proclaim a new soil that truly guarantees our rights, that makes knowledge of the Basque language a social and universal right and that makes it possible to live in the Basque language."
Since the question of Basque is a "political question", the Basque language has warned about the normalization of Basque: "Language is about taking steps to guarantee rights, consolidate social justice and social cohesion, strengthen coexistence, deepen freedom and democracy."
Here is the video released by the Basque Council:
You're not even allowed to appeal.
Two local police posts with a B2 requirement in Basque were abolished by the judges in January last year, considering that applying for Basque could be "discriminatory". The City Council of Donostia-San Sebastián appealed for the annulment of the sentence, but this February 6 it is known that the Court of Justice of the Basque Country has also refused to process the appeal. The judges have not examined the content of the appeal and have concluded that there is no "objective interest" in making the appeal. Thus, the verdict against Euskera and the Basque speakers is firm.
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Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.