According to Euskalerria Irratia, the defendant must pay compensation of EUR 380,000 and a fine of EUR 798,000 to the owner of the establishment. The Office of the Prosecutor charges the defendant with a total of 129 crimes of privacy violation for discovering and revealing secrets, as well as for the corruption of minors.
In the defendant's home, CDs and DVDs have been found, as well as USB devices with photos and videos of women, according to the same source. No traces of which have been filtered through the instant messaging network have been found. The facts date back to 2013, 2014 and 2015. At the Pamplona Model Agency, women were photographed, dressed in clothes and wearing a cartelite with its name in hand. Then I asked them to put on the bathroom clothes, and in the meantime, I was leaving the room. In the room, in a tripod, I left the camera on to record, without the women knowing it.
With the words of poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, I am one among so many cases, and not an isolated, rare or extraordinary case. Unfortunately, no. Among so many, one. In particular, according to the Council of Europe, and among other major institutions such as Save The Children,... [+]
The case of Mazan is mentioned in the French media: a woman drowned with sleeping pills by her husband to put her between the legs of other men to be raped. That for ten years and three numbers: 92 violations (at least), 72 men and 51 trial violators. Gisèle Pélicot, 72, did... [+]
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