Five sessions have opened the Bardos of 2020. In particular, in Etxarri, Txantrea (Pamplona/Iruña), Iturmendi, Erro and Bera the first five matches were played, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, over 200 people, and in a spectacular atmosphere. The 2020 Bardos are already underway.
Three meetings were held on 31 January. The first of them was played in the Etxarri Festival Room, in Larraun da Araitz of the region. Two dozen among the Ipar Haizea groups of Barañain and Juanan Legorburu, among others. About 40 people met to hear the five bertsolaris from the local group and the six from the visitor group, and the room hosted a nice image. The Etxarri Council and the Larraun Bertsolaris School took responsibility for organizing the session. The themes were taught by Ainhoa Iriarte and José Mugiro. After all the exercises, the team of Larraun and Araitz achieved the point. To complete the program, the premises once again prepared a great fading, and the audience and the bertsolaris had a good atmosphere of conversation, as is usual in the Bardos.
The second semi-final of Friday was played at the Txantrea, at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. The Hego Haizea group of Barañain (as a local) and the Bardenas de Estella, in front of about twenty people, sang on stage. Iñigo Ávila was in charge of putting the topics in the debate, and the item was for the local team. At the end of the session, it was deserved by the attendees.
Finally, on Friday, a meeting was held in Iturmendi. The program was celebrated taking advantage of the town's Gaztetxe anniversary, and the space for the occasion was filled. In front of them were the Sakaña groups of the region and Drimtin of Pamplona, before more than 50 people. Unai Artieda was the presenter. In the end, it was Sakana's team that took the penalty spot.
On 1 February, the programme was held in Erro, in the Erroko-Etxea society, with 40 people. They sang the Erroibar and Pirini Bardo groups of Aezkoa and Arranopola of Lesaka, under the orders of presenter Leire Barberena. By judicial decision and by decision of the public, the visiting team was in charge of bringing the point. At the end there was a dinner for the participants and those from the area.
The last session of the weekend was held in Bera on 2 February. Taking advantage of the good weather, the program approached the terrace of Kataku Hostel, where there were more than 60 people. The Amortziaren eliobak group, composed of local groups Lamixene and Auritz, Hendaia and Lesaka, were in charge of singing the themes proposed by Ainhoa Larretxea. In the end, the point stayed in the village, as Lamixene won the test by teams.
Hasi dira 2020ko Bardoak, Nafarroako Taldekako Bertsolari Txapelketa. Egitasmoaren inguruan aritu gara, eta baita aurtengo edizioaren inguruan ere, Nafarroako Bertsozale elkarteko Ander Perezekin hitz egin dugu.