This Thursday an election event was held in Barakaldo in which the ultra-right party Vox has actively participated. As has happened in the rest of Euskal Herria, several neighbors have taken to the streets to protest against them and them. Hundreds of people have gathered in the vicinity of Bide Onera Square to welcome the Vox porter, Ortega Smith, and the rest between whistles and screams. Members of Vox have halved a cartel in favour of Basque political prisoners during the act of tribute.
The militants of the far right have done the rally, thrown by the Ertzaintza, in Durango. Five people have been arrested for "public disorder" after clashing with protesters surrounding the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca in the incidents.
Pre-load images against antifascists of all ages As you
— Sare Antifaxista (@Antifaxismoa) July 9, 2020
can see, very dangerous and violent people #Barakaldo
4 detenidxs during the alterations in #Barakaldo Charges against antifascists of all ages Fascists of Vox
— Sare Antifaxista (@Antifaxismoa) July 9, 2020
are screened with flags of Euskal Presoak Etxera Yesterday, today and always #Barakaldo Antifaxist Being Antifascist is
no Crime protest against fascism non-crime