Lucas Gortazar points out that in a couple of legislatures one in ten schools can close their doors in the CAV, that this risk is above and that it must be taken into account. In this regard, he stressed that there are two reasons: on the one hand, the fall in the birth rate and, on the other, the pressure to redirect public resources to other areas such as health, social services and security. “It’s very serious and will affect all educational networks.” He has also pointed out that, in his view, it can lead to a major conflict in society.
Gortazar, a member of the academic and economic institution Esade EcPol, dedicated to the elaboration of studies on educational policies, has presented some conclusions of this body in summer courses, according to El Diario Vasco.
The segregation of students of migrant origin in the CAPV is high and the data are “concerning”; another of the conclusions highlighted by Gortazar. Taking as its axis the report prepared by Esade EcPol and Save The Children, points out that between 2018 and 2022 segregation has decreased, but remains the most segregated community in the Spanish State, behind Catalonia. That is, most of the students of migratory origin are concentrated in the public network compared to the concerted network. It is precisely segregation that has been one of the main debates in the recent education law adopted in the Basque Parliament.
"If the school does not have the necessary tools to ensure social inclusion, communities, ghettos, and consequences will be created"
The Basque Journal itself has asked the Ararteko, Iñigo Lamarca, who has organized the course of the UPV/EHU, on this subject, and Lamarca has advocated the design of new policies: "The data is there, the number of immigrants is much higher in the public than in the private network, we all know how cheats are made to have students. He first stayed in Vitoria and in Bilbao, but he opened up." Ararteko is clear that: "If the school does not have the necessary tools to ensure social inclusion, communities, ghettos will be created and there will be consequences: the neighborhoods will gentrify, the population will be larger and this can influence daily life and Euskera".
Majority to private individuals
The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has also added value to the 2020 data: according to these data, the CAV is the autonomous community that most students attend private classes in the State. In particular, 56% of pupils receive private classes, which should also make us think.
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