Feminists have described the composition of the new French Government in the General Assembly as "zaflako" and "insult". However amazing it may be, here are, among other things, who the charges are: Well-known lawyer Eric Dupond-Moretti has been appointed new Minister of the Interior and Justice Holder of France, Gerard Darmanin, on charges of sexist rape and aggression.
The new Prime Minister, Jean Castex, has clarified that he "fully" assumes the election, adding that Darmanin must be respected "the presumption of innocence". In 2009, Darmanin is being investigated for an alleged violation to which he was subjected by a court of the National Court.
In case this was not enough, he repeatedly spoke out against gay and lesbian rights, particularly in 2014, when the right to marriage and adoption for homosexuals was being discussed in Parliament. He said: "It should be remembered that the law does not oblige litigants to guide marriages between homosexuals. If I am mayor of Tourcoín, I personally will not marry between two men or between two women." Two years earlier, I had written the following question: "Marriage and adoption for homosexuals... Are we going to accept everything on the pretext that society is wrong? ". He also participated in Tous's homophobic demonstrations. It has also been the subject of racist statements, including that of the Justice Minister of the time, Christiane Taubira.
An opposition to the #MeToo movement has also been put to the Minister of Justice. The appointment of Dupont-Moretti leaves little hope when the need to "transform" justice in the face of sexist violations and violence becomes increasingly evident. In France, 76 per cent of rape claims are not followed and only 10 per cent of rape defendants have been convicted. Knowing that in 10% of rape cases women file a complaint... In this sense, he has described as "miserable" for all women who have suffered sexist assaults and violations the appointment of Dupont-Moretti as Minister of Justice.
He is a lawyer by profession, among other things, in the defence of the violator politician Georges Tron, with violent statements: “I would also beat you back,” he told the victim. He also pointed out in the court of the European Association against Gender-Based Violence AVFT: "It's OK to liberate the word of women, but they prepare a strange life for generations to come." He has also worked on undervaluing the sexist aggressions and the words of women: “Would it be an attack for the jury, your son to touch his partner’s knee in the car?”
As soon as the composition of the new Government was known, feminist demonstrations took place, including in front of the Elysée Palace in Paris on 7 July.
Scuffles erupt between feminist protesters and police in front of Elysee Palace #Paris #France #dupontmoretti #Darmanin pic.twitter.com/btAZioDlTn
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) July 8, 2020
Pauline Baron, coordinator of the #NousToutes group, informed Liberation of a "blow" in reacting: “We have a kind of repetitive bis of Caesar’s awards: paying homage to men accused of rape or naming them ministers, victims are kept under a cloak of lead, sexist and sexual violence is denied. All of this maintains the culture of rape. As Adèle Haenel said at the time of honoring Roman Polanski, it is to spit in the face of all female victims.” The formation of the new Government is under way in an attempt to denounce and deny it.
On 6 July, the new French Government was announced and will be headed by the Executive. Three days earlier, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe had resigned the entire coalition government.
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The... [+]
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