"Although this pandemic context has changed many things, we believe it is more or less important to strengthen social activation and self-organization. But we cannot deny that in this situation we have a great deal of difficulty in bringing together and uniting popular movements. In view of this, how will we reinvent the networks? What new elements have been put on the table? How do we strengthen grass-roots movements and work on the ability to influence the areas of struggle? they point out in the press release.
Representatives of the following popular movements will take part in the interview: Members of the collective BALA, Association of Pensioners Gaur-Geroa-Dignity, Infernua Bizirik! a member of the collective and a member of the Gros Neighborhood Surveillance Network.
The session will begin at 18:30 a.m. and will last for two hours. Organizers have indicated that they will be grateful for prior registration at the address komunikazioa@joxemizumalabe.eus and will be preferred by the registrants. They will broadcast it live via their website and are working so that it can be seen on the radios of the Arrosa network.
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