Borja Sémper has communicated his decision to the president of pp, Pablo Casado, to abandon politics. The president of pp Gipuzkoa and spokesperson of pp in the Basque Parliament, Iñigo Urkullu, will leave his responsibilities and positions in the coming days.
Borja Sémper Pascual (Irun, 1976) has been a member of pp since the age of 17. He studied law at the UPV/EHU and in 1995 he was elected Councillor at Irun. Member of the Basque Parliament since 2003, Arantza Quiroga has been a spokesperson for training in the Basque Parliament since 2013, following the crisis that led to the abandonment of politics.
He has been elected almost unanimously as President of pp Gipuzkoa since 2009. In addition to these positions, he is currently a councillor in Donostia-San Sebastián.
At the pp congress held in 2018, in the same position as the Basque pp, Sémper advocated the candidacy of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría as president. Sáenz de Santamaría was imposed on Pablo Casado, current president of pp, and since then Sémper has had conflicts with the leadership of the party, which he has roundly denied.
In a hearing in Donostia-San Sebastián, Urquijo referred to the reasons for the election at a public hearing on Tuesday. In his view, internal conflicts within the party "have had nothing to do with" the decision to abandon politics. In his statements, Lehendakari has ensured that he will abandon political activity "for his family and for a job offer". As he pointed out, Ernst Young will be the new Director-General for institutional relations and advice to the expert advisory team. The multinational is based in Bilbao, in the Iberdrola tower.
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