Boris Johnson’s plan – delaying Parliament until the Queen’s speech on 14 October – can lead parliamentarians to block a Brexit without agreement or even to convene general elections by voting for the Prime Minister’s loss of confidence. There is room for both.
Johnson's real goal is to use Brexit to win the elections, rather than to use the elections to secure Brexit. Forcing the position of his rivals, he has marked the electoral space for ‘people versus parliament’ voting. That is, he offered ‘Vote Boris, Rescue Britain’. He is going to say that on 31 October the only way out of Europe really is to leave the majority of parliaments in his hands. The man from the universities of Eton and Oxford and the journal Telegraph will be presented as the leader of the people who hate the establishment that is the ‘elite that wants to stay in Europe’.
Johnson's electoral strategy is simple: Bring Brexit to the right in its surroundings and continue to divide the remainers between the Labour, the SNP, the Liberals Democrats and the Greens.
The Tories have tried in recent weeks to protect the lines of attack they expect from Labour in Switzerland. After a decade of brutal cutbacks in public services, there are a lot of people tired of austerity. Waiting queues for health services are longer, police officers are unable to deal with increasing criminality and to impose peace of mind in the neighborhoods. The Johnson Government has promised to spend more money on these matters. But these announcements also have a right-wing reverse: along with investments in schools, it is proposed that teachers allow students a ‘tailor-made force’ and that the use of Taser pistols be allowed to officers within the new resources for the police.
This has all the logic. In 2017, Theresa May lost a majority by focusing on the UK’s internal problems and not on Brexit, which is where it focused. The anti-austerity message launched by the Labour Party echoed and represented the vote for the party. Johnson wants to keep this from happening again.
But why do people believe in Johnson's message? The real secret of populists, from Donald Trump to Matthew Salvini or Johnson, is to combine transgression with authenticity. Immerse yourself in fanaticism and be able to violate the social norms that have been achieved with great effort, against racism, homophobia or misogyny, convinces people that politicians ‘say what they think’. Paradoxically, its lack of virtue confirms its authenticity.
Their fanaticism is the result of calculation rather than calculation, and their movements are only able to spread the message of fanatics. In the next election, you're going to play to see if the real core of Johnson is clear: that is another Trump, whose agenda is a Brexit for the elites, disguised as the layer of scarce public spending that comes after a decade of disaster like the one that Britain has suffered abroad.
Tom Kibasi is director of the Institute for Public Policy Research. Here we have translated the selected passages from the opinion article "Boris Johnson’s intention is clear: he wants a ‘people v parliament’ election" published on August 28 in the journal The Guardian.
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