Some 30 workers and mothers of Seaska have concentrated on the Bordeaux rectorate to defend the "exclusionary" policy of the French Ministry of Education in relation to minority languages, and especially with the Basque language. Some have been chained at the entrance door and others have risen to the roof of the rectory by hanging banners. Two "stop at contempt" and "tests in Basque" banners have been opened.
The French police are approaching the place of action. Journalist Ekhi Erremunerdegi, from Berria, goes to the scene and announces that the goalkeeper has alerted the police they have called because the people have risen to the roof and they have already come down. However, the police and Seaska members explain the reasons for the action.
Jon Eiherabide expresses the anger her parents feel. He says they are bored with the situation: "For years we have been asking for something that is allowed to us, to do the tests in Basque." He adds that from Bordeaux or Paris they need an answer.
Jon Eiherabide expresses the anger her parents feel. "From Bordeaux or Paris but we need an answer" @berria
— Ekhi Erremunerdegi (@EkhiErremunerdegi) February 22, 2023
One of the people chained at Elena Etxelet's door described as "contempt" the lack of response to the tests in Basque. "We are not going to give up," he claimed.
Elena Etxelet is one of the people chained at the door: @berria "We will not give up"
— Ekhi Erremunerdegi (@EkhiErremunerdegi) February 22, 2023
The members of the rector's cabinet have spoken to the members of Seaska and proposed a meeting: "We have been offered a meeting but we have not come for it," explains Sancho Ernaga, a member of Seaska. He adds that they want answers.
Some former Seaska students who are currently studying at Bordeaux University have also approached to show their support for entrepreneurs.
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