From a very young age, he dedicated himself to the world of rock and formed the Nemesis group in his first musical footsteps. He started at age 19 with Barricada in 1982 and a year later the group released his first album, Rock & Roll Night. From there, the group was at the top of Basque music, in what was the wave of the Basque Radical Rock.
After eleven more albums, in 2013 came the distribution of Barricada. El Drogas (Javier Villarreal) denounced having been expelled. The band ended the same year with a concert in Pamplona. The Drogras and Boni were reconciled two years ago in the Gaitz Errazkin section, and the latter fired from the hobby on social networks with an emotional greeting.
'Azken heriotza' biraren eskutik, Anestesia taldeak kontzertua emanen du larunbatean Atarrabiako Totem aretoan.
Three years ago the Vulk group last offered a concert in Bilbao, except the November special. Three years in which the world and those of us who inhabit it have changed enormously. During this time the bilbaíno quartet has published its new album, Vulk is not (Montgri, 2022)... [+]
The Mutriku quartet has faced the dark era of the pandemic and has returned with firm work, team changes and crowdfunding (aupa vosotras!). with this second long, round disc worked.
Saia Goait was created in 2017 by a group of friends and friends from other groups (Keike,... [+]
Euskal kostaldeko errepideetan barrena, ametsetako olatu siku zein handi horren atzean, gure beste ametsetako fabrika baten zaratarekin egin dugu topo, Ginger laukotea buru.
Just knowing that Idles was coming to Bilbao, we made the plan and took the tickets immediately. It took place on 14 October 2021. The concert would have been almost four months later, in the Santana room 27 of Bilbao, for 25.7 euros each entry and we have already flown our... [+]
Lau kantako EP batekin plazaratu ziren 2016an. Hegan aurreneko disko luzea atera dute 2019an, eta lehengo bidetik, post-rocketik edaten duten erritmo geldoko doinuak bildu dituzte –euskaraz oraingoan–, batzuetan ilunagoak, besteetan argixeagoak. Swans edota Low... [+]