This week the Spanish Air Force will dedicate more than 27 hours to shooting and bombing practices in the Royal Bardenas area. According to the notice posted on the Bardenas website, the practices began last Monday from 09:00 to 14:30 and during this time the armed forces will control the traffic of vehicles and pedestrians on the perimeter that borders the ramal south of the Shooting Range of Bardenas, between the access crossing to the Bardenas and the crossing of Carcastillo.
The Civil Guard Traffic Group, in the defined section, with the help of the soldiers of the Bardenas Air Station, will stop the traffic. It is the second time that the Air Force has carried out these practices in 15 days, and the Junta Contra el Polígono de Tyre, in its presentation of march 39, noted that in recent years they have intensified.
It should be recalled that on 3, 4 and 5 May these shooting and bombing practices were carried out, and the specialized press explains that the Ministry of Defence did not give any details of the exercises, but in those days a real armament was used. The practices were carried out both day and night, but according to the armed organization they were only carried out from 08:30 to 13:30.
The digital defense explained that, between 24 April and 5 May, the Army's Ninth Squadrilla deployed six of the AV8B+ Harrier II fighter planes at the Zaragoza air base, with the objective of "training to attack the air ground in the Royal Bardenas shooting range", both day and night. This publication explains that "Harrier used slow instruction ammunition", such as MK-76 bombs and LGTR (Laser Guided Training Round) smart weapons, as well as the 25mm GAU12 automatic gun. In addition, in other missions, Harrierek launched genuine weapons releases, such as conventional MK-82 bombs and the GBU (Guided Bomb Unit) -38 JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition), a direct attack munition, a driving kit that turns MK-82 into high-precision weapons.
On many occasions, tourist companies in the Ribera have been outraged by the loss of access to the Bardenas and to report so soon. This week numerous military helicopters have been observed flying around the Reina Sofia Hospital in Tudela