The demonstration in favor of Bolintxu will start on Saturday, February 29, at 18:30 hours from the Arriaga de Bilbao. The mobilization, which will have as its motto “we can still stop the project”, will denounce the “secrecy” used by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia around the plan for the expansion of the Supersur. They will also require, as a precautionary measure, the cessation of works.
According to the platform, the project has expired its Environmental Impact Declaration since 2017, despite the fact that the Representative "wanted to conceal this unfair situation". Faced with this situation, the platform brought an action before the courts, so they ask that the works remain as a precautionary measure until there is a judgment. As they have warned, if the work is maintained, "in a short space of time, an irreversible process can be found".
The platform aims to sensitize people about the damage that the expansion of the Supersur could cause to the Bolintxu valley, in order to intensify the mobilizations. To this end, they have announced that more activities will be carried out in the area prior to the demonstration.
On the one hand, in the Bilbao Carnivals, the Bizizaleak comparison will disguise itself as animals living in Bolintxu; the streets of Bilbao will be filled with foxes, forests, frogs, bats and eagles. On the other hand, by convening the demonstration on 29 February, informative tables will be set up at different points in the capital.
The platform will keep the declaration of accession open until 29 February, so that the groups wishing to do so can express their solidarity.
AHTren aurkako protestarengatik auzipetutako bederatzi lagunen artean den Xabi Jimenezekin solastatu gara protesta ekimenaz, prozesu judizialaz eta tren lasterraren aurkako borrokaren egungo egoeraz.