The shooting of a civil rights demonstration, the killing of thirteen people and the killing of another fifteen wounded occurred in the UK Parachutist Regiment. Battalions on 30 January 1972 in Derry, Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Prosecutor's Office has announced that it will not prosecute the 15 soldiers who intervened in the event known as "Bloody Sunday" for the death scandal.
In the same case, last year a military man identified as “soldier F” was prosecuted for murder and attempted murder. He is awaiting trial. In addition to this case, the Prosecutor's Office noted that there was "insufficient evidence" that another sixteen military personnel could be punished in 2019.
The relatives of the victims have shown their disappointment at the decision of the Prosecutor’s Office and have announced that they will submit an appeal of unconstitutionality.
The Treaty of Good Friday of Northern Ireland, which has become a world benchmark in the resolution of armed conflicts, has reached a quarter century. The 1998 agreement was aimed primarily at ending violence. Violence has been greatly reduced, but it does not disappear. For... [+]
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Pat Finucane Center (PFC) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the recovery of human rights and truth, where Paul O’Connor has been working since 1992. The partnership is supported by money from the European Union and the Irish Government. Pat Finucane, a Belfast... [+]
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