The main idea that everyone has put to value has been “collaboration”, as they have managed to bring to commercial theaters the film released last year at Zinemaldia: “Today’s photo is a reflection of collaboration,” Insausti stressed. “Two months ago, Dani Goñi and Xabi Zaldua [euskaltzaleak] contacted us, and everything has been very easy. One of the bases of SADE is the dissemination of Basque culture and film, with our instruments”, added Elorza.
After its premiere at the San Sebastian Film Festival, Pochelu explained that it has been projected in many localities of Euskal Herria: “We have had over 360 performances and 30,000 spectators throughout the Basque Country.” In Donostia-San Sebastian, on the occasion of the Korrika Kulturala, the film was seen in the houses of culture, and later in other spaces, on popular initiative. Now, however, the film will take the leap to the commercial cinemas, with which the producer has shown himself "satisfied". “Bizkarsoro is a fictional town, but it also tells the story of Donostia and the Donostiarras, as the goal is to show what has happened in any village.”
In the same vein, Ibero said: “The film reflects the persecution suffered by the Basque people and the struggle of the Basques, and awakens the consciences. That’s why we call the Donostians to go to theaters.”
In addition to the commercial halls, the Euskera Service has launched the initiative to project the film at the Main Theatre. It will be offered from 16 to 18 December, in the morning, to 1,616 students from fourteen ESO, Baccalaureate and Cycles centers. Before and after watching the film, they will work on the subject Bizkarsoro through a didactic unit elaborated specifically in the classroom.
“Through the didactic unit we will give context to the young people, they will know the repression suffered by the Basque and the Basques in the twentieth century, they will talk about the transmission and situation of the language, etc. In short, in addition to knowing the reasons why we understand the minority situation experienced by the Basque Country, we will give them the opportunity to reflect and reflect on it. Thanks to Bizkarsoro, you will be able to better understand our history and what has happened to us,” said Insausti.
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