Although the issuer who issued the alarm was on behalf of a worker, that day that worker was not working and responded that his issuer was on behalf of another worker. This occurs in 40% of issuers, according to forest guards. They denounce that this situation has been repeated on more than one occasion.
They criticize the reaction of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, which three days after the alarm began to call the workers to locate the user of the issuer. Subaso, belonging to the company Basalan, is the provisional manager of the communications of rural workers of the Department of Sustainability and the Natural Environment.
Before Subaso, however, the communication manager was the public service Base Gorria. According to the workers, the problems began with the disappearance of this service, which has been repeatedly denounced in meetings with the authorities. They add that they have been without protection for two years and that they may at any time suffer an accident. They concluded by saying that the elimination of the public sector is a serious mistake with the aim of boosting privatisation.
[[Election graphics 2023 M28 Biscay General Meetings]]
The PNV has achieved a clear victory in the Bizkaia General Meetings (204,560 votes, 38.41%), despite having two runners less than in the previous legislature, with a total of 23. I needed 26 seats to get an absolute... [+]
Bizkaiko N-240 eta BI-625 errepideetan asteazkenetik aurrera kobratuko dizkiete bidesariak. Hiru garraiolari autonomoen elkarteak salatu du diputazioaren “kudeaketa zentzugabea” izan dela, eta gogorarazi du epai bat baino gehiago egon direla bidesarien foru arauak... [+]
Asteazken goizeko 06:30etatik 09:30etara lanuztea egin dute, eta arratsaldean bigarren lanuztea egingo dute beste hiru orduz, 18:30etatik 21:30etara. Planteamendu berari jarraituz, ostiralerako ere lanuzteak deitu dituzte CIM, ELA eta UGT sindikatuek. Helburua hitzarmen... [+]