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Workers of the Bizkaia autoschools will continue strike in November

  • On Monday the strike resumed and after checking the position of the employer APAVI, the workers decided to continue with five days of strike in November. They do not rule out the fact that the strike becomes indefinite.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

29 October 2021 - 07:01
Last updated: 09:08
Bizkaiko autoeskoletako langileen mobilizazioa, Bilbon. Argazkia: ELA

The workers of the Bizkaia autoschools have been fighting for a long time, since the arrests began in June and have continued until autumn. The strike is taking place between 25 and 29 October and, according to the trade unions, has been "strongly supported". In addition to the stops, a demonstration was also held on Thursday from the Plaza Pío Baroja in Bilbao (Bizkaia) to the headquarters of the APAVI employers.

The workers have explained that the negotiations they have started with the employers "are still blocked", so they have decided to maintain the call for strike. In fact, it has been eleven years since the last convention was terminated and since then there have been many attempts by workers to reach an agreement.

New call for strike action and workers' requests

In this context, they have announced that between 2 and 5 November they will carry out more stops and that they aim to "intensify mobilisations". Workers' demands include wage regularisation, the elimination of the gender pay gap, the reduction of working hours, the "rationalisation" of working hours and partial pensions.

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