The PNV has been the main victim of the abstention and EH Bildu, as the most militant voter, has had an increase in votes and has changed the colour of some isolated councillors and mayors. In the municipal elections in Bizkaia the PNV lost 45,000 votes and nearly 38 councillors, while EH Bildu won 14,000 votes in 62 councillors. In general, the western part of the country is of Jeltzale color and the eastern part of EH Bildu, with exceptions.
Bilbao is one of the main exponents of the trend. The PNV, as has been common since 1979, is the leader in the most populated city of Euskal Herria. He doubles the votes of the second force, but … lost 17,000 votes and two councilors (12). EH Bildu became the second force after winning 3,000 and two councillors (6) above the PSE. The Spanish Socialists lost 2,000 votes and maintained the same number of councillors (5). The PP has won one councilor and 2,500 votes (4). The Elkarrekin Podemos coalition has lost one councilor and 6,000 votes. This trend in Bilbao is repeated in many other localities.
About 780,000 people live in Bilbao, Barakaldo, Getxo, Santurtzi, Portugalete, Basauri, Leioa, Sestao and Erandio: Two thirds of Bizkaia and a quarter of Euskal Herria in a few kilometers. There are no changes to the mayor's office. Despite the loss of votes and councillors, the PNV has maintained what was achieved in the last legislature, and remains the first force in all of them, except for the typical Portugalete exception. The PSE, together with Ermua, remains healthy in its main strength in Bizkaia. In addition, the Socialists have recovered two seats in the mining area: Trapagaran and Muskiz, to the detriment of the PNV. In these populated areas it is noteworthy that, despite the increase in abstention, EH Bildu has achieved an increase in votes with the fall of the other forces.
In addition to the general increase in the number of councillors and votes, in 2019 virtually all the peoples who had exercised the first force and increased the difference with the PNV have remained. For example, in Galdakao the mayor of EH Bildu will be back, but this time with the first force. But in Durango, the situation has changed. EH Bildu has become the first force, but the bad results of the Podemos Elkarrekin coalition will probably leave power in the hands of the PNV. In Bermeo, on the other hand, EH Bildu has remained second, but if he got the support of the candidacy Guzan could remove the mayor from the PNV. The independence coalition adds other peoples to the first list of forces: Lekeitio, Sopelana or Markina-Xemein. EH Bildu has also been the first in Gernika, but the list of the former mayor, José María Gorroño, will have to choose who to give the mayor.
Looking at the blocks, the landscape remains as dark as before for the forces on the left. EH Bildu has blew down the central group of PNV-PSE-PP capitalists, but Elkarrekin's candidacies have gone backwards. The balance remains very unbalanced. To this we must add that the PP has stagnated the continuous loss in recent years and, despite the increase in abstention, has increased in the votes, around 5,000, almost like the VOX.
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