A friend asking for impressions the next day: what, what would you highlight from yesterday? Just a moment? A song? A song? And you, thoughtful, can’t say one, a clear blow, even more than an image that keeps echoing in your head, try to explain that it left little incendiary in your gut. The palms and the many. But to say a song, you say Epilogue, sung together with Chapa, because you would always want that strength. You say that last song from Anari’s last album, not in vain, because in a way, Anari’s 21-year career has been made from the most recent to the oldest by you, an Epilogue (2016), and almost from Your Criminal Background (2015) to Anari (1997), in the opposite direction to what the musician himself chose to celebrate the Rama Award.
The Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián, Eneko Goia, received the award and started the performance with the words that open his first album. It’s night, I get in the car, the rain tears in the parabrisa, and the moon doesn’t tell me, or where, with whom it sees you this night. He appeared on stage with his current bandmates – Mikel Abrego on drums, Drake on bass, Ander Mujika on guitar and Mariano Hurtado on keyboard – but not only. He had announced to the fans that he had invited his accomplices on the albums so far, and Xabi Strubell and Pello Ramirez were the first to appear. The audience quietly in the chairs, the performance of weaving went from song to song: Our world, the essence of pain, I've lost my heart, time... Petti and Mursego went up next. Jon Víctor Jomes followed, and the Footprints played between Ana and the two, the guitar and the saw, one of the beautiful moments to tell to his friend the next day. Copies of the albums Zebra (2005), Ser Isla (2009), Camino y Tiempo (2013) followed by more accomplices: Borja Iglesias, Beñardo Goietxea, Karlos Osinaga Txap, Ager Insunza. A family in celebration, and the public in their immediate vicinity, perhaps celebrating as life flies from the music.
Victoria Eugenia was on top. The atmosphere before the entrance was also to be studied, to comment with the friend the next day in the least. On the way out, to say the least, I would say that more than one remained eager to release the body more, considering that it is more delicious in areas that are more Ana’s own. It was a different performance, but the team did it well. Instead of throwing the songs at each other, it became a space for exhilaration.
Alone and without micron, he played Ihia on the top of the stage with pure guitar. The visa then brought the girl from the north and, a final gift, offered the audience the new song The Frozen Friend of Joseba Sarrionandia, the accomplices dancing on the stage. Leaving for you the smallest incendiary, you have highlighted to your friend the desire to remain close to that family, that and a need to go in search of those you lost in your time.