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100 projects that “celebrate” life in Euskera

  • I've gathered 100, 100, probably more than 100, but it's 100 (for example, Kukulaisi or Audiobooks in Basque). Let's release the word, let's start the fire from the word. 100 habitable projects that do not wait for liberation by Euskera and Euskera.
You are interested in the channel: Euskara
Reception Rooms for Newcomers

Among many falls, there are also achievements. A young mother of about 35 years old asked me the other day how they could get in their school that the classmates who had not received Euskera at home learn and speak as well as the boys and girls who were Euskaldunes at home. In... [+]

2024-09-03 | Euskal Irratiak
Elgarretaratzea deitu du EHEk Gorka Torreren sustenguz

“Geldi euskara zapaltzea” lema berriz hartu du Euskal Herrian Euskaraz taldeak larunbatean egin duen prentsaurrekoan. Maiatzaren 17an, esaldi hori Baionako suprefeturan tindatzeaz akusaturik, irailaren 10ean epaituko dute Gorka Roca Torre.

2024-09-03 | Euskal Irratiak
Iparraldeko eskola publikoen %60 elebiduna izanen da ikasturte honetan

Ikasturte honetan, lehen mailako ehun eskola elebidunetan 5.700 ikaslek ikasiko dute. Bigarren mailan hamasei kolegio eta lau lizeotan 1.600 dira. Zailtasun nagusia aurten ere kolegioan euskararen eta frantsesaren arteko oren parekotasuna erdiestea da.

2024-09-02 | Markel Elortza
Loss of Basque 'identity'

The main feature of my basketball team is its personality. It is usually said that this is a common characteristic between the team and the hobby. However, this identity of all amateurs is not taken into account from the management. In fact, Euskaldunes fans see again and again... [+]

2024-08-29 | ARGIA
Euskera and Spanish tests at the same time in Barañain for educator positions
EH Bildu de Barañain has denounced that the City of Barañain has put the Basque and Spanish exams on the same day and at the same time in the call for children's schools, forcing candidates to choose a language.    

Need to learn the language in a working environment
The work has consisted in the analysis and/or elaboration of methodologies and standards for the teaching of languages to migrant people by the family physician of Osakidetza Aitor Montes, the translator Petra Elser and the vicelehendakari of the Platform for the Llenua Mireia... [+]

Folklore Basque

Start of the summer. EHZ festival hangover (atx, headache). You want to breathe after a charged course. Flush the head. Reconnect key elements. Take some time with family, see old friends again and rest (a little) in the daily struggle. Really? !...

As a family, walk to the... [+]

Euskaltegis at margins

Experts and victims have participated in the meetings of the UEU Department of Glottodidactics on Euskaltegis and intersectionality. There have been students in the middle, underprivileged, oppressed students in the corners. Because the dissident genres, the deaf, the blind,... [+]

Five images for the Basque conflict
Who will drive the new Basque order from the point of view of social transformation? Who are today the busiest in Euskal Herria?

2024-08-28 | Gorka Torre
Letter to the judges of Baiona: “Justice for the Basque Country!”

Ms. Judge of the Bayona Court of Justice dismisses:

In March, I was judged by some Euskaltzales in Baiona for taking part in some of the actions we have taken to denounce the unfair treatment suffered by the Basque authorities in the French state. At the beginning of the trial,... [+]

2024-08-22 | Euskal Irratiak
Maddi Kintana: “Gazte euskaldunen hizkeran frantsesak eragin handiagoa du”

Maddi Kintanak Baiona, Angelu eta Miarritzeko gazteen euskara aztertu du bere tesian. Hitz berriak sortzen dituzte baina baita hitzak beste hizkuntzetatik hartzen ere, besteak beste, interneten eraginez.

No to xenophobia in Osakidetza!

It happens many times to me: look at the news and get nervous. The France revient, they say. Both the France of Le Pen and the Spanish xenophobia and supremacy, as well as the inflatable clowns, rise again and again. Merde revient. As we have heard, a group of workers from... [+]

2024-08-14 | Kanaldude
EuskarAbentura: a unique expedition for young people
Last July, a total of 127 young people carried out a 400-kilometre expedition across the Basque Country. The adventurers are called Jzioquitarrak and for 30 days, they have visited 27 towns and known several Basque agents. This year, the objectives of EuskarAbentura have been... [+]

2024-08-12 | Sustatu
Names of Kip and Chep
Kenyan athlete Faith Chepngetich Kipyegon won the 1,500 meter athletic test on Saturday, on the penultimate day of Paris 2024, becoming the second woman in history to win three Olympic gold medals in athletics. In Chepngetich and Kipyegon there is a small detail that can be... [+]

“Euskararen patua independentziarekin lotzen badugu, euskarak jai egin du”

Xabier Zabaltza Perez-Nievas historialaria, idazlea eta EHUko irakasleak 'Euskal Herria heterodoxiatik' izeneko liburua plazaratu berri du. Bertan dio Euskal Herria ezinbestean euskara eta euskal kulturaren bidez eraiki behar dela eta horretarako funtsezkoa dela euskara... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude